

I could still hear them arguing as I left the room. I just shook my head and laughed. Give them a few hours to cool down and they are best friends again.


/"We go in on my count/" I said over the earpiece in my ear.

We were now surrounding the mansion that my angel was being held in. Soon I will have her in my arms. Maybe then I could figure out what I was feeling for her.

/"Move in/" I shouted.

We stormed the place and killed anyone in sight. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins as I fired rounds after rounds.

At this point I was just killing anyone who stood in my way.

Suddenly someone came around a corner firing gunshots wildly.

/"Emilio are you really here to save that whore?/" a familiar voice shouted as I crouched down behind a sofa.


I swear I wanted more than anything to kill that fucker and I guess today must be my lucky day.