

Layla’s POV

/"Where are you taking me? Emilio said to wait outside./" I asked confused.

/"For the hundredth time, he asked me to take you back to the house so that's what I'm doing/" he gritted out, probably annoyed with my constant questions.

/"Well... Are we there yet?/" I asked as I got comfortable on the back seat of the car.


/"How about now?/"


/"Are we-/"

/"For fuck's sake would you fucking shut up!?/" he snapped in annoyance.

/"I just want to know-/"

/"Just shut the fuck up/" he seethed.

I clamped my mouth shut at this. He was very cranky and I didn't want him throwing me out of the car before we got to our destination.

I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest like a child who was scolded by their parent. There was a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I ignored it and blamed it on the fact that I hadn't eaten all day.