

Layla’s POV

/"Wake up/" someone said while kicking my leg.

My eyes shot open and I looked around to see that I was still in the basement. I had thought that it was a terrible nightmare, but as I looked in the eyes of my captor I knew that it was very real. This was really happening. I was really kidnapped, again.

I was feeling very weak because I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday.

/"Get Up!/" he ordered in an authoritative tone.

I tried to scramble to my feet with my hands still tied to my back. I didn't want to anger him any further and cause him to lash out on me. It was very hard getting to my feet, considering the fact that my body was very weak.

I had completely forgotten about the accident yesterday as I stood to my feet, only to wince in pain. It was hard to stand on my left foot so I had to brace all my weight on my right side.