

Bella's POV

I wake up as my alarm blared off. I off my alarm as I rubbed my eyes. When I look at the time I saw it was 8am. Why did I put the alarm so early?

That is when I came to realise that I have the interview. I got up excitedly and went to shower. After taking a shower, I put on my interview clothes. It was a pencil skirt that went from waist till slightly above me knees.

I put some concealer, eyeliner, mascara and baby pink lipstick. I don't want to go all out but I need to look presentable at the same time. I put on my flats as I hate heels. They are torture device from hell.

I took my portfolio, chain bag, handphone and keys as I locked the doors went ahead for my interview. On my way, I thought of grabbing a cup of tea to calm my nerves. Once getting my tea I went to the nearby bus stop.

When I reach the bus stop, the time was 9.30. Just nice. Once I got into the bus, I put on my ear piece and listen to songs to calm my nerves down.

At about 10.15am I reached the building. I walked in and went straight to the receptionist. /"Hi. I'm here for the personal assistant interview/" I said as I smiled a her. She looked up at me, /"Take the lift and go up to the last floor/" she said finish as she looked down again.

/"Thank you./" I said as I went towards the lift. I pressed the button for the last floor which was 60. My eyes went wide. Wow.

Its took a few minutes to go up. Finally reaching the floor, I went out only to be shocked. There were so many girls. Like a lot. I sighed.

I went to the receptionist. /"Hi. My name is Bella Sanders and I'm here for the personal assistant job interview./" I said as smiled at her. Surprisingly, she smiled back at me.

/" Good morning Miss Sanders. Please wait for your name to be called. Please do take a seat./" she said kindly. /"Thank you./" I said back as I smiled at her.

I went and took a seat waiting to be called. I looked at the other girls. They were so good looking. They looked confident. The clothes they were wearing hugged their curves and showed some skin.

There is no way, I could compete with them. I sighed as felt like I was losing confident. Soon the receptionist started calling the ladies. One by one went inside the room.

Soon each girl that walked in, walked back either angry or crying. This started to scare me. If these girls themselves were rejected, what would happen of me?

Soon it was left of me only. I started to get nervous. Suddenly I heard the slam of a door. Startled I looked at the direction of the sound.

There I saw a man. He was something that words cannot describe. He carried aura of dominance, confidence and intimidation. Anyone to stand in front of him has to be succumbed. No doubt that.

He was talking harshly to someone in the phone and walking angrily. Whoever is on the other side of the conversation, well good luck to them.

He walked passed me as he went to take the lift down. I looked away, as I felt intimidated. Just then I heard the sound of the lift. I realised he has taken lift and heard the door close. I sighed in relief.

/"Miss Sanders, You are next./" The receptionist called. I mumbled a quick thank you. I went towards the room where the interview was held.

I took a deep breathe before knocking the door. I heard someone say 'come in'. Once hearing that I opened the door and went. As I close the door behind I saw a man probably in his late 50's sitting the desk.

I went towards him. /"Good Morning Mr King./" I said. /"Good morning, dear. Please do take a seat./" he said as he smiled at me. I took a seat as I got shocked.

This man seemed so nice. Is this the man Andrew was talking about. Clearing my thoughts, I passed him my file.

He flipped through the files. After few minutes, he started to ask me questions like 'why do you think you deserve this job?' and 'what are your strength and weakness?' basic questions.

I think my answers satisfied him as I saw a smile. /"Well Miss Sanders you got the job. Congrats. You may start work as off tomorrow./" he said as he shook my hands.

A wide grin spread across my lips. /"Oh my god. Thank you so much. I will not let you down./" I said as I shook his hands.

/"I'm hoping so. You can take your appointment letter from the receptionist. Good luck./" he said as he smiled.

/"Sure. Thank you so much. I cant wait to work for you/" I said as I smiled. /"Actually Miss Sanders, you will be working for my Son, the man who just walked out./" When I heard this I froze.


Xavier's POV (Before the interview begun.)

Here I am sitting in my desk and beside me was my dad. I'm in a real need of a personal assistant. The last one tried to get in my pants. Hence I fired her. She was ridiculous. I am not a man whore who sleeps around with everyone.

I sleep with woman only seldom and not any random women. One night flings. Once in a month. That's it. But sometime this women get hard to handle. When I say no, I meant no.

Anyway, We soon started the interview. The first who came in, looked like she came interview for some strip club. She was wearing skimpy clothes that showed her cleavage. I rolled my eyes.

Most of them women went away either crying or stomping away. I really didn't care. None of them were wearing proper clothes or flirts with me. I was starting to get pissed.

I called the receptionist. /"Miss Smith, how many are there left for the interview?/" I asked her. /"There is only one girl left Mr King./" she replied back. /"Ok thank you./" I said as I hung up.

I stood up from my seat. /"Xavier where are you going? There is still one more girl left./" my dad said. /"You conduct the interview. I am done for today./" I said as I gather my staff.

I called my driver, I walked out of the door slamming the door. I asked him to bring the car around to the front. I waited for the lift. As I got in, I saw a girl sitting in the couch. I couldn't see her face. Before I could say anything the door closed.

I sighed as I waited for the lift to open. Once it open, I stride to my car, while everyone bow at me and walked out of my way. Everyone knew to fear me. Good. I liked it.

Once I reached my car, my driver open the door as I went. Soon we were off to my penthouse.

During the ride, my dad called. /"Hello?/" I answered. /"Xavier, we got you an assistant. She seems good for the job./" My dad said. I sighed.

/"Turns out she'll be one of the whores./" I said. My father sighed. /"I don't think so son. She seemed different. Different from others./" my father said with assurance. I rolled my eyes. /"Whatever./" I said as I hang up.

That's what they say. Turns out she'll be the one that will try to sleep with me, for the pleasure and money. I sighed as I felt myself getting a headache.

Hopefully she is like what my father say and only there for the job. If not I have to start searching for a new assistant.