

Bella's POV

Currently I am walking towards my office building. I am nervous as hell. Yesterday when I heard the news I was shocked. I couldn't believe at first. I understood whatever Andrew said was true.

But then I realised something. If I did my work right and be diligent there's nothing for me to be afraid. With that set in my mind, I walked inside the office.

I greeted everyone on my way. Some didn't bother reply, but some still greeted me back or at least smiled at me.

I took the lift up to the last floor. On the way up, I kept tapping my foot. Sooner or later the lift reached the top floor and the doors open.

When I entered the floor, the first person I saw was Ava. She is the receptionist. /"Good morning Ava./" I greeted her. /"Good morning Bella./" she greeted me back.

/"Mr King is not in yet. However there is some documents you have that you need to fax./" She said with a smile. /"Thanks./" I said as I start walking to my office. Yes! I actually have a room.

/"Hey Bella would you like to join me for lunch later?/" Ava asked me with hopes. /"I'd love that./" I said as I smiled at her.

/"Hey do you know what type of coffee Mr King prefer?/" I asked her. /"Yes. Coffee with milk and 2 cubes of sugar./" she said. I nodded my head and left.

I walked into my room and saw the documents. I got excited. I quickly got started. I know she asked me to fax. But I thought of reading them to make sure everything was right.

I started going through the documents when I realised something was wrong. I started going deeper into the file. That's when I realised what was wrong.

After an hour I got everything ready to show Mr King what was wrong. Just then I heard the lift. When I look up I saw that it was Mr King. When I looked at him, I felt intimidated. I shook my head.

He looked at his phone and entered his office. I quickly rushed to pantry and made his coffee as he preferred. Is important to show that I take my work serious.

Just when I was coming back, I heard the office phone go off. I quickly picked it up. /"Its King Consolidated. How can I help you?/" I asked politely.

I heard no sound from the other side. /"Hello?/" I asked again. I heard someone clear their throat. /"Miss Sanders, come into my office./" he said as the voice sent chill down my spine. He hung up without waiting for a reply. Oh well.

I took his coffee and the documents. I knocked on his door and heard masculine voice saying 'come in' I open the door and went inside. There he was sitting in his chair signing some documents.

I went to his desk. Without looking up, /"Ms Sanders get me a coffee. With milk and 2 cubes of sugar. Also have you faxed the documents that were in your desk?' he asked without even looking up.

I placed the coffee in his desk. That's when he looked up at me. When he looked at, he didn't say anything. He kept staring. I started to fidget in my spot.

After sometime I cleared and that's when he looked at coffee in front of him. /"Its coffee with milk and 2 cubes of sugar./" I said. He arched his eyebrows at me.

/"I asked Miss Smith./" he nodded his head as he started to drink the coffee. He was happy with the coffee as he take several sips finishing the coffee.

/"What's that?/" he asked as he pointed the documents I was holding onto. /"They are the documents you told me to fax./"

/"What! You haven't fax them yet. They were important./" he exclaimed. I got scared as I took a few steps back.

I took in a several breathe before talking. /"There is good reason for it Mr King./" I said calmly. /"And what is that?' he snapped.

/"They are fake documents Mr King./" I said immediately. /"What!/" he asked angrily. I started to sweat profusely. I nodded my head at him.

/"How do you say that? My lawyer have went through it and confirmed them./" I put the documents in front of him and start to explain.

/"I was going through them to make sure everything was right. That's when I realised something. I have read the exact document somewhere./" I started.

/"That's when I realised I read it in a newspaper. I scrolled through the internet and that's when I came across a scam that happen few years ago./" I stated as I show him the prove.

/"Those were same exact words. The only difference is the company and amount, The rest were the same./" I showed him both the papers.

/"Its called paper company./" I said to him. /"Paper company? What's that?/" he asked confused. /"Its a company that does not exist as a physical building. It has a site in the internet, ratings, brochure and etc. But not an actual building./" I explained.

/"That's impossible./" he said as he go through everything I just gave him. /"If the documents were to be faxed, the company would have lost millions of dollars Mr King./" I said as he stared at documents.

He looked up with his eyes wide open. /"And I have a feeling your lawyer had played a part on this./" I said to him.

He looked raged, I was starting to become scared. I backed away slowly. /"Mr King?/" I asked slowly. /"Miss Sanders, you may leave now. I have this handled./" he said as he took deep breathe. I nodded my head and left immediately.

Once upon reaching my office, I calm myself down. I seriously got scared that he was going to lash out. I shook my head as I cleared my head.

I started upon my work. I scheduled Mr King's meeting and events and everything. While I was doing that, my office door open. It was Mr King.

/"Miss Sanders, once you are done with my schedules, you can leave. I wont be in office today so you can head back./" he said hurriedly. Before I can reply he turn to leave. But came to a halt.

He turn back to me. /"Miss Sanders, how did you did that. How did you came to realise about the scam?/" he asked my while squinting his eyes.

I got shocked. /"Erm I have photographic memory Mr King. I can remember anything in detail no matter how many years./" I explained. He looked at me as if studying me before nodding his head and went off.

I did as he told me. After doing everything, I looked at the time and it was 12pm. Just then Ava came in knocking my door. /"Hey you wanna go grab some lunch?/" she asked me. /"Yeah sure./" I said smiling.

I grabbed my things and off my computer, as Ava and me went to the cafeteria. We were talking and we became good friends. She is very sweet outgoing person. She is also wild and crazy.

She told me about things she did when she was young. It was hilarious.

I am starting to like this place very much. Too much even.