

Xavier's POV

I was going up in my lift to my office. I hope the new assistant is not late. Or else I'm firing her. I was tapping on my foot impatiently.

This is the thing about being in the last floor of a big building. It'll take forever. Just as the lift door open, I received an message. I was looking while I was going into my office.

It was one of board members stating they want to have board meeting soon. I sighed as I sit in my chair.

I called him, asking him about the details. After a few minutes, I hang up. I really need a coffee. I took the office phone and called my new assistant.

Within a few minutes I was answered. She is fast. I thought. I froze when I heard her speak. /"Its King Consolidated. How can I help you?/". It was one of the sweetest voice I have heard. Without realising, a shiver went down my spine.

I was dumbfounded. /"Hello?/" She asked again. I regained to my sense and cleared me throat. /"Miss Sanders, come into my office./" I said before quickly putting down the phone. What was that? I thought to myself.

I shook my head and start reading the files that was in front and signing them. I heard a faint knock and I asked the person to come in.

Without looking I kept reading and signing back. When I realised she was near, /"Ms Sanders get me coffee. With milk and 2 cube of sugar. Also have you faxed the documents that were in your desk?/"

I asked her. Suddenly I saw a cup in front of me. I looked up to be astonished. She was far by the most gorgeous girl I have seen. She simply looked stunning.

She didn't dress like one of those girl who tried to get into my pants. She wore a grey suit with a white shirt. She looked so innocent and pure.

I was in a daze while staring at her. This has never happen before. Ever. I was never like this ever. I felt like brushing the strand of her that slipped and had fallen in her forehead.

I didn't realise I was staring at her until she cleared her throat. I looked at the cup in front of me. /"Its coffee with milk and 2 cubes of sugar./" I was surprised as I arched my eyebrow.

/"I asked Miss Smith./" she told. She is something else. I started to drink the coffee. Damn. It was the best coffee I have drank in awhile. I enjoyed every sip of it. It was darn good.

I saw her holding on to some papers. /"What's that?/" I asked her. /" They are the documents you asked my fax./" she told me.

This got me mad. Those were important documents. So much for her being different. I thought to myself.

/"What! You haven't fax them yet? They were important./" I exclaimed. I seemed to have scared her as she took several steps back. I don't know why, but when I saw that something in me churned.

I shook it off. She took a deep breathe before speaking. /" There is a good reason for it Mr King./" she said. I wanted her to call me Xavier. But refrained.

/"And what is that?/" I snapped. I didn't mean to but I am unable to think. What she said next made my blood boil.

/"They are fake documents Mr King./" she said almost quickly. /"What!/" I asked angrily. She nodded her head unable to speak. /"How do you say that? My lawyer have went through it and confirmed it./"

She put the documents in front of me before explaining. Everything she said, impressed me. She was so smart and diligent. It made me awe.

She knew things that even I didn't knew. I felt proud. I didn't know why. I was feeling proud. Everything started to make sense. The dealers never agreed to meet in their office.

Its either they came over or we meet in hotels. When she said that my lawyer had played part too, it was the last string. I was angry. Beyond what words can say.

When she saw me angry, she started to get scared and backed away. /"Mr King?/" she called me. I didn't want her to see me like this. I don't know why. But she should not see me like this.

/"Miss Sanders, you may leave now. I have this handled./" I said as she nodded her head and left. I grabbed my phone and called some people. /"Rocco get my lawyer and Stewart Industries asap.

I want them in your dungeon. I will be coming there in awhile./" I said to him. Rocco is one of my trusted man when I wanted something done. He replied with an ok and hung up.

I quickly took everything Miss Sanders gave and started to leave. Before I left I went to Miss Sanders office. There she was concentrated on her work. She was so focused on her work.

Till this day, every assistant I had always had their focus on wooing me when I wanted their focus on work. But now that she has her focus on work, why do I want all her focus on me? I sighed. What is going on?

I open her door and she lifted her head and looked at me. /"Miss Sanders, once you are done with my schedules, you can leave. I wont be in office today so you can head back./" I said as I turned to leave, I turned to her.

/"Miss Sanders, how did you do that. How did you came to realise about the scam?/" I asked her curiously. I could see the shock in her face when asked her that.

/"Erm I have photographic memory Mr King. I can remember anything in detail no matter how many years./" She said simply. I was astonished. She is simply amazing. I looked at her intently before nodding my head and leaving.

Once I took the leave, something happen. Something that didn't happen in the last few years. I smiled. A smile to my came without me realising. A genuine smile. What the hell is going on with me? I shook my head.

I have only met her few minutes and she has already impressed me. No one, and I meant no on has impressed me in such a short while.

Not only was I impressed by her brain, but her character also. In this entire time, she had not made any move on me or tried to seduce me. If it was any other woman, they would have done anything to have me in bed.

But she did no such thing. Need I tell about how she looks. I have met so many woman and no one has made me feel the way she does.

She looked beautiful without even trying. All she was wearing proper office clothes, and she was breathtaking. So many other woman wear clothes that doesn't even cover them, yet look disgusting. But she looked amazing.

I sighed as I saw the lift doors open. I strode out as people start to scurrying away from me. I went straight to my car as the driver start driving.

On the way, Rocco had called me saying everyone was there and was waiting for me. I told him I was on the way. I decided to call my dad.

/"Hey Xavier./" My dad greeted me. /"Hi./" I greeted him curtly. /"So what is it?/" he asked me. /"I think you might be right./" I told him.

/"About what?/" he asked me puzzled. /"About Miss Sanders./" I said. /"Miss Sanders, as in Bella?/" he questioned. So that's her name. Bella. Cute and sweet.

/"Yeah./" I said. /"Why do you say that./" he asked me. /"She is different./" I said as I told him what happen today at the office.

He was stunned when he heard that. /"Wow. I cant believe it. She just saved the company from millions of dollar. She is smart and a sweetheart. She's keeper son./" my dad said.

Somehow I felt like what he said had a hidden meaning. I soon bid him bye as I waited to reach the destination.

What are you doing to Miss Sanders?