


I slip my feet into glossy black heels as I apply a final coat of clear lipgloss onto my lips. A shower of perfume and I'm ready to leave.

I get into the white Range Rover that I had gotten in the divorce settlement from Xavier.

I wanted to get rid of everything he gave me, throw it all away and get it by myself for myself. Unfortunately the one he gave me was very limited edition and I wouldn't be able to repurchase it.

I glance at my watch, it was the first thing I bought myself when my business first became a billion dollar company - I wasn't a fan of buying deluxe designer items but it was nice to treat myself every now and then, especially when I deserved it.

The diamonds on it glimmered in the rays of the evening sun. I smile at my watch, it was a symbol of my hard work and effort I made to get this far.

I used the 20 million dollars as an investment into starting Eva Enterprises, which sold medical equipment to hospitals and private healthcare services.

That money helped me a lot, I didn't need to get extra help from investors or partners, meaning my company was 100% mine.

I guess I was grateful for Xavier in that sense.

Lost in my haze, I realise it was 6:30. Shit, the awards ceremony started at 6:30 and I wasn't even there yet.

I ask the driver to start the car as soon as I get in and we get there soon enough. It was in the city centre, not far from where I lived or from where my company headquarters were.

When we finally arrived at the hotel, I saw that there were no cars in the front. Either everyone was late or I'm super late and every single person has gone inside.

Damn it.

This was the first time I'm attending a high profile business event and I'm late.

/"Stay here, I'll be back soon./" I tell my driver.

The 2 doormen give me a look whilst shaking their heads. I guess it was really bad that I was late.

I shrug apologetically and go into the event room.

/"Be nice and charming./" I whisper to myself before the big double door creek open.

A loud collective gasp escapes the room, why is everyone so shocked that I'm late.

Regardless, I walk confidently to my seat, giving a flirtatious wave to the speaker on stage and apologising for my lateness.

I could tell he was hooked on how I looked, I was internally disgusted but used it to my advantage to quietly go and sit in my reserved seat.

/"And the recipient of the Businessperson of the Year Award goes to Miss Amelia Davis./" The presenter announces.

A whirlpool of emotions, mostly pride and happiness overtakes me but I keep my calm. I walk to the stage, and see that Xavier was stood up, probably as he thought he was going to get the award.

I turn my head slightly, just to look at him, and throw a cheeky wink. An 'I'm much better than you' wink. A cocky wink.

He can't do anything about it, he just continues clapping, along with the audience, but I could decipher his embarrassment.

When I receive my award I just thank everyone for it, I didn't want to do a lengthy speech, no-one in that room deserved to know the emotions I went through and all the work that went into achieving this award today.

I'm guessing the presenter, who's name I learn is Mr Ivan, didn't want me to leave the stage so quickly after my speech so he asked me a few questions.

/"Miss Davis, I think the question we all have is how?..How did you manage to become so successful so fast, without and investors or partners?/" Mr Ivan asks me.

I look under my eyelashes and set my eyes on Xavier whilst saying my answer.

/"dependence leads to disappointment and I don't need anyone anymore./" I say bluntly.

It was true. If I hadn't trusted and expected happiness from Xavier I would never have lost it.

His face is a little shocked - I don't know if it's at my words or at the fact that I looked him dead in the eyes whilst saying it.

After I took my award, I walked straight out of the hotel. The only reason I went was because I wanted to know who would win, and luckily it was me.

I knew how these parties went, the first hour or so was formal - then it was drinking and dancing and ultimately hangovers.

I didn't have time for that, I had my own company to run the next day as well.

I strut to my car, where my chauffeur is kindly waiting for me, and sit down. He was about to get out the car to open the door for me but I stop him and get in myself.

Before I could close the door I see the last person I want to talk to.

Mr Xavier King.

He hold my door so that I couldn't close it. I roll my eyes in annoyance and ask him what he wants.

/"I wanted to congratulate you on your win, last time you were here the situation was very different./" He says. Was this his version of a congratulations?

He reminds me of the past, when I was his wife and helplessly in love with him. The weak Amelia.

/"Four years ago I was here as your wife Mr King, today I'm here as your competition and from what I can see - I'm winning./" I smirk, I didn't feel bad as I know he would've done the exact same thing.

/"I already have 6 of those Miss Davis,/" he says cockily, he has not changed at all.

/"There will be no 7th when I'm around,/" I smile before shutting the door and asking the chauffeur to start the car.

I finally get a chance to admire my trophy when the car starts moving. It was bronze, a woman holding up a star.

It was mine.

I hold it close to my chest as I watch beginning of the sunset,deep oranges and reds flirting with the blue sky.