


The light buzz of my alarm woke me from a restless and drunk sleep. I groan as I touch my head in agony - drinking last night was not a good idea.

For the first time since I started Kings Corp. going to work seemed like a chore, I didn't enjoy it anymore. Lazily, I get ready. Showering off last night's drinks and taking some painkillers to ease my headache. I put on an all black suit and drive to the Kings Corp building.

/"Good morning Mr King./" My current assistant Leroy greets me, I nod to acknowledge it and go to my office.

None of my assistants yet were as good as Amelia, and often got fired in a month or 2. She was amazing at her job, it wasn't surprising that she's a top businesswoman now.

I get an email from Leroy and it's the profit spread sheet.

Lower and lower.

We weren't in loss but profit was getting less and less each week.

My office phone rings and I answer immediately, any news is better than what I just saw.

/"Good morning Mr King,/" I could recognise that Australian accent anywhere.

/"How can I help you?/" I ask, Mr Walker's partnership with Kings Corp was one of the reasons we were still making any profit at all.

/"I'm call you to say that this is the last month that Walker Industries will be working with Kings Corp./" he says solemnly.

I pause for a minute, I still needed to sound professional and calm /"what made you come to this decision?/" I ask, keeping my cool.

/"Xavier,/" his tone becomes more friendly /"I don't need to tell you that Kings Corp is declining, I'm sure you already know that...I want to help you as much as possible but not by putting my own business in danger./" He explains.

/"Furthermore,/" he carried on /"I stayed longer to try and fix things with my sister, but she left Kings Corp as well./" He continues. It was true, she found a better job somewhere else.

I could see where he's coming from, and if the shoe was on the other foot I would've done the same thing as well.

/"Alright, thank you for your contributions to Kings Corp, maybe one day we will be partners again./" I scoff.

/"Look forward to it./" And he ends the call.

I hold my head up in my hands and groan. This was not good.

/"Leroy,/" I call my assistant, he was of those hippie guys who pretended he didn't have a surname, it was annoying sometimes but he got the work done.

/"Yeah boss man./" He says, he was tall, square built and gave off a surfer dude vibe with his shoulder length blonde hair, which was in a neat ponytail, and bright blue eyes.

/"I need you to get me a graph of Kings Corps profit from the last 5 years./" I say.

/"On it./" He jogs back to his office which was next to mine and gets on with the work. Whilst he did that I saw what was the next best company to replace Walker Industries.

Kings Corp was still in the top 5 business in America but instead of being number 1, like it was, it had fallen to number 3. Number 1 was an English company and number 2 was Eva Enterprises.

The English company - called Pyramid - which was an online shopping and international shipping company had been around for a while but only recently opened up in the United States, where it was an absolute success.

Eva Enterprises was also booming, although I was just behind it in ranking, the difference between us was huge.

/"What happened to you Xavier?/" I ask myself.

I was the best. Everyone wanted to be me, Kings Corp was the most successful company. But now everything was collapsing.

It's been a few hours, and I've done nothing but worry. I knew I needed to find a solution but what was I going to do? No one wants to work with a failing company.

A small knock on the door pulls me out of my anxiety bubble, it's Leroy. Unlike usual, he doesn't say anything but hands 2 separate things to me and leaves quietly.

The first thing he gave me was a newspaper, dated for today. Anger builds in me as I read the headline.

Kings Corp in Loss - will the company collapse?

What the fuck was this?

I read a bit of the article.

Once the unbeatable competition of the business world, Kings Corp is now in major decline, will the company see its last days soon?

I throw the article into the bin. Kings Corp was not going to die out. I was going to make sure of it. I didn't care what anyone said.

Hold on a minute.

I take the article out of the bin, and scan it - there was no source reference.

Where did they get this information?

No one except Kings Corps partners knew that there was a slight decline in profits.

Was it Mr Walker? I doubt he would leak this information though, and he only ended his partnership today, the article couldn't have been written that fast.

I open the 2nd document, deciding I need to divert my attention. It's the timeline.

It was mostly a straight line, until this year when the decline began. I look at the entire graph, going back to the start to see a massive shoot up in profit 4 years ago - but it only lasted a 2 weeks.

When did this happen?

I look at the dates, it was in November. What was November 4 years ago...

It was when I was in the hospital.

So why was the company booming when I wasn't even there.

Then I realised. I knew what I had to do to save Kings Corp, the same thing I accidentally did 4 years ago.

I after doing some research and talking to a few business connections I got the number I needed to call.

This is what was going to save my company.

I dial the number on my landline and wait for it to ring. The buzz of the ringer was getting more and more intense each time, just like my nervousness.

I hear a small pitch before she answers the phone.

/"Hello, this is Amelia Davis how can I help you?/"