


After walking through the gates, I looked around the garden. The roses had bloomed beautifully, all different colours: pink, red, white, burgundy and purple. I walk to the part of the garden where the runway was taking place. I let out a tiny gasp when I saw the arrangements.

There was a huge white runway spread across the centre of the garden. It had bright studio lights around it and there were lights under the walkway, making the entire thing light up. Behind were trailers where the models were in getting ready for the show. There were racks of beautiful designer clothes scattered everywhere.

I was about to talk to a designer when a woman ran up to me, looking closer I saw that her name-tag showed that she worked at Kings Corp. She was breathing heavily, as if she was running, and she looked like she was about to cry.

/"What's wrong?/" I asked.

/"Are you in charge of this event?/" she asked, breathlessly.

/"Umm...yeah,/" I say, sounding unsure myself.

/"One of the models suddenly cancelled and we don't have any back-ups./" She cried.

/"Listen,/" I say giving her a understanding look, /"Just make sure everything else is done properly and I'll go take care of this model situation./" She smiled a smile of relief and went off, thanking me.

/"I'm sorry ma'am, we don't have any models available within an hour./" The modelling agency said. I groaned to myself, this was the 4th agency I had called, and no-one had any models available on such short notice.

I was about to go ask one of the models to do and extra walk when an eccentric looking man stopped me. He was wearing a tuxedo but with no shirt and had purple shoes on. He eyed me up and down, making me incredibly uncomfortable.

/"Who are you?/" he asked in a thick Japanese accent, pointing an accusing finger at me.

/"Um...Amelia./" I said, looking at him weirdly.

/"Amelia,/" he says, as if he's testing it out. /"You are very beautiful. Take this and put it on – you are the new model./"

/"I'm sorry sir, but I'm not a model,/" I say.

/"Nonsense,/" he says.

/"No seriously, look at me I'm 5'4./" I deadpan.

/"It doesn't matter. You radiate glamour./" he said and practically pushed me into a changing room.

/"I'm very flattered sir, but I can't walk on the runway or pose for pictures./"

/"It's not hard Amelia, just walk,/" he laughs and an I hear his footprints as he walks away.

I change into the clothes and look at myself. We were holding this show in order to get a deal from a Japanese fashion company, so the clothes were traditional Japanese clothes. I was wearing a baby pink kimono with white cherry blossoms on it, however, the clothes had a modern twist, so they were tighter and sexier.

After spending about 30 minutes in hair and makeup it was showtime. I was walking third so that I could watch what a few models do before I walk but there are 4 models after me to cover me up just in case I fuck it up.

When it was my go I started walking, I took long steps swaying my hips gently. When I reached the end of the runway I saw Xavier sitting in the front row, looking furious. I blew him a kiss before posing for photos and walking back.

As soon as got backstage, I quickly changed back into my work clothes and tried to leave the place without being seen. I was two steps away from walking out the gates when I feel a strong grip on my arm.

/"Miss Davis, please go and sit into my car,/" Xavier said.

/"Excuse me,/" I say, giving him 'are you serious look'

/"I'm not going to repeat myself./" I knew I wasn't going to win this argument, so I just dragged my self to his extremely expensive car. I sat in the passenger seat whilst he was talking to someone.

A few minutes later he sat in the drivers' seat and started driving. He said nothing as he continued to speed down the road.

Soon we arrived at the building where he told me to go into his office. I went, and he hadn't come yet so I started playing games on my phone. I was getting tired of standing so I leaned on his desk.

A couple moments later, the door opened suddenly and I jumped up. He looked at me, anger clouded his eyes as he walked up to me.

/"Why the hell did you walk on the runway?!/" he boomed, sending a shock through me.

/"The model had cancelled last minute, and no modelling agency had any models available,/" I said.

/"Then you should have told the models already there to do an extra walk. What makes you think your face is good for my company?/"

Oh hell nah.

I was not having some egotistical dick insult me to my face. /"Excuse you, Mr King, if it wasn't for me this show would have failed, you should be grateful that I saved the show. Otherwise, it could have been worse./" I say fiercely.

/"Go back to your office Miss Davis, I have emailed some work for you./" He says, unusually calm.

/"But my hours are over,/" I say pointing at the clock, it was 5 meaning I should be leaving.

/"You're lucky you're not fired./" He says as I walk out of his office.

After about 3 more hours of work I finally leave the office at 8:30, I get into an uber and go home.

I've been here for one day and already want to quit.

The next morning, I have to pull myself out of the bed, my only motivation the dream I have of being a businesswoman myself one day. Taking a quick shower and getting dressed, Jasmine offers to drive me to work and we grab some coffee on the way.

I arrive at the building and make Xavier's coffee before getting in the elevator and going to the top floor. I see him working at his desk and knock on his door. He looks up through the glass wall and groans when he sees me, I laugh.

Knowing I make him a little miserable is a good thing about this job.

He gestures me to come in and I hand him his coffee. /"I need you to secure the deal with the Japanese fashion company today./" He says, I nod and walk out. I sit at my desk and call the Japanese company.

30 minutes later.

/"Are you sure? King's Corporate is a very successful and well-reputed company Mr. Takahashi, your business will do well in America with us./" I negotiate.

/"No thank you, we do not wish to do business with Kings Corp.,/" he says and hangs up.

I dread the fact that I have to tell Xavier, he'll probably get super mad and fire me or something. Taking a deep breath, I go to his office.'

/"Yes, Miss Davis./" He says, in a good mood.

Not for long.

/"The Japanese company have decided not to work with us,/" I say cautiously. He slams his hand into the desk so hard that his pen holder falls. /"And before you blame me, they said that it's because they feel that you're not a good businessman to represent their company./"

/"Really?/" he asks, raising his eyebrows.

/"Goddamnit./" I curse myself, realising I shouldn't have told him that.

/"What were their exact words?/" he asked irritation obvious on his face.

/"That doesn't matter sir,/" I laugh nervously he gives me the look which says 'you better tell me before I fire you'. I sigh and tell him. /"They said that because you are a bachelor, your promiscuity goes against the Japanese values and that you're not a good representation./"

His eyes are now dark with anger as he curses under his breath. /"Thank you, Miss Davis, you can leave now./"