


/"You?/" I gasped.

/"You./" he snarled.

/"You're Xavier King?/" I asked, dumbfounded.

/"Is that a problem?,/" he had the same devilish smile on his face.

I wanted to beg him not to fire me but instead, I said this:

/"If I knew you were a billionaire I would've made you buy me a new coffee./" I smiled innocently.

His smile vanished and was replaced with a surprised expression, no-one probably ever talked back to him before.

/"So you are my assistant now?/" he groaned, more to himself.

/"Unfortunately.../" I mumbled

/"What was that?/" he says, pretending not to hear me, whilst reading through a file.

/"Nothing,/" I say, hoping he didn't hear what I said.

/"I know that we have met on unfavourable circumstances but we must be strictly professional, what happened outside the workplace wasn't the best way to be acquainted to you but I trust my hiring team and you must not mix your personal emotions and your duties here./" he says not even looking up at me.

/"Of course, Mr.King/" I smile.

/"Now go get me a black coffee,/" he ordered.

/"Already did,/" I said as I handed him the coffee that Jodie gave me and smiled. I had to get into his good books now that he was my boss. He looked impressed but quickly concealed it with his usual emotionless face.

/"Right, I need you to make 20 copied of these files and give it to every office on this floor, and then go to your office and file the documents on your desk./" he ordered as he pushed a pile of files that were on his desk toward, this man was so bossy.

/"Yes sir,/" was all I could say.

I made the copies of the file and handed them to all the offices. I got to my office and filed some papers and typed up some letters before printing them out. I went to his office and knocked the door.

No answer.

I knocked again.

No answer.

After waiting a couple more minutes I decided to open the door just to put the files on his desk to find him working.

He looked up with anger, /"Why didn't you knock?/" he seethed.

/"I did but you didn't open the door,/" I said confidently. His look got angrier.

We walked up to me, so close that he was face to face with me. Slowly, I backed up but pressed against the door-frame. He walked up to me until he was centimetres away. He looked at me, down at me. As if I was a piece of rubbish.

I tried to slide out of his gaze but he slammed his hands onto the door and on both sides of my head, boxing me between him and the door. My breathing got quicker due to the shock from his impact and I was getting nervous.

/"I am Xavier King./" he announced /"You will respect and obey me otherwise I have enough power to fire you and make sure you don't get hired anywhere else,/" he said as I looked up at him.

/"Y-yes Sir,/" I said, he moved away from me and then gestured for me to follow him.

/"Put the files on my desk and you can go to lunch,/" he said without looking at me. I dropped the files onto the desk and ran out.

I went to the office canteen and looked for Jodie, I found her sitting by herself eating a sandwich so I went and sat with her.

/"Where's your food hun?/" she asked, I realised she had a slight Australian accent.

/"I'm not really that hungry/" I lied.

/"Liar,/" she laughed and gave me half her sandwich.

/"Thanks,/" I smile and took a bite.

/"Why are you sitting alone, I mean no offence but there are loads of people to talk to,/" I ask curiously.

/"I've tried hanging out with most of the girls here, but all they talk about is Xavier, how hot he is, or what they can do to attract his attention,/" she complains as she rolls her eyes. /"Most of them wear the tiniest skirts and their tops are so low cut you can basically see everything./"

I looked around and everything she said was pretty much true. The girls wore bright red lipstick, tiny clothing and towering heels.

/"Don't get me wrong, I'm all about girl power and wearing whatever you want but they're just embarrassing themselves at this point, Mr King doesn't even bat an eyelash./"

After we ate we talked for a bit and then lunch ended and I had to go back to Xavier's office.

This time I knocked.

/"Come in,/" is stern voice commanded.

/"Is there anything you need me to do sir?/" I asked, looking at the floor.

/"Do you know what our company is?/" he asked, he took my ID card out of my lanyard to see my name /"Amelia,/".

/"Um shipping and supplying for other companies and brands,/" I answered unsurely.

He gave me a nod, signalling that I was correct. /"Your task today is to supervise the fashion show, held by King's Corporate, that is happening at the Rose Garden,/"

/"Yes sir,/" I said, just wanting to leave.

/"Make sure all the events take place smoothly this is a representation of my company. I will come to watch the show,/" he said.

No Pressure.

I nodded and walked out of the office. I left the building and called an Uber to take me to the Rose Garden. From the gates, I could see all the preparations for the runway event taking place. I was about to walk in when I was stopped by a security guard.

/"ID please miss,/" he said, he was tall and buff. He had a dark scruffy beard and you could tell he hated his job.

/"Shit. I forgot it at the office./" On Xavier's desk.

/"No ID no entry,/" he grumbled.

/"What if I were to show you a photo of my ID card instead./"

/"I suppose that's okay./"

Ugh, I didn't even have Jodie's number. But I did have Xavier's. He put it in my phone so that he could check up on me whilst I was preparing the show. I rung his phone hoping that he would pick and he did.

/"Why are you calling me?/" he growled into the phone.

/"Can you send me a picture of my ID card I left it on your desk/"

/"No,/" he said bluntly.

/"What? Why? You're the reason I don't have it, you took it from me./" I asked, he was being such a bitch.

/"You should have been more responsible./" he deadpanned, I could hear his voice getting angrier.

/"You should be more nice,/" I said back, almost like a kid. /"Please just send me the picture, I need it to get into the garden,/" I said.

He hung up.

I waited for a few minutes, hoping there was one good bone in his body that he would send my the photo.

I groaned as I realised that I would have to go all the way back get my ID card, which was on Mr King's desk, and come back.

I booked an Uber back and asked him to wait whilst I just grab my ID card. As I walk past his office I see that the door is unlocked and he's not inside. Sneakily, I walk in, take my ID card and walk back to my Uber.

This time I proudly showed my ID card to the grumpy security guard and he grunted before opening the gate to let me in.

Let's get this fashion show started.