

/"You met them both/" Rachel my best friend says after I came down for lunch the following morning. She likes to come around when she feels like it. Normally because I like to eat big lunches and just snack for the rest of the day.

/"It was surreal, they are honestly the nicest people and Loretta, she's everything you'd expect and more/" I tell her. She knows about the famous couple probably more than I do at this stage.

/"I'm so glad actually, if she was some horrible women in real I'd probably die/" she just loves to exaggerate I was always so worried about her but now I'm kind of used to it.

/"Henry finally texted me last night you know/" her eyes widen and she leans over the table looking at the screen where I opened the text to.

/"that's fucking shit, he didn't even ask if you were okay what a douche/" I sigh. I deleted the text not looking forward to seeing him later. Hes being really fucking annoying and I have a bad feeling about what's going to happen later.

/"I'd happily come with you and give him a piece of my mind/" she pins her eyes at the photo frame that's hung up in my room.

/"I think it would be better for all of us and your criminal record if you stayed clear/" I tell her, reminding of her past mistakes. Rachel was in a bad stage when she was younger and she got involved into stealing with her ex-boyfriend.

He's in jail now she just has a criminal record which forced her to work for herself rather than anyone else.

/"yeah ok/" she waves me off, f=grabbing the kettle and pouring water into her fancy cup that had her initials on it. We all have one. Me, her and our other bestie Natasha.

/"do you need a gun/" Rachel appears at the door to my room as I grab my shoes from my wardrobe and out them on. She bursts out laughing when I give her a horrified look. Is she for real.

/"you know I'm joking, but seriously girl I can cover a murder /"her voice goes serious.

/"just because you've watched the show doesn't mean you can do it Rachel/" she throws her middle finger at me before leaving me to gather my thoughts. I'm going to need t that's for sure.

I arrived at henrys office in good time. This was the only time in which he was free apparently.

When I was just walking in, his assistant walked out his office and glared at me. She never liked me even though we've barely spoken. She swayed her hips to her desk and smirked at me before I entered his office.

I seriously had a bad feeling about this.

/"hello baby/" he says when he sees me walk in. he was sitting behind his desk fiddling with some papers.

/"I can't do this/" I surprise both of us by saying. His head lifts and he looks at me warily.

/"what are you talking about just sit down/" he raises his voice at me slightly, I really hated when he did that.

/"no henry I'm done /"I stand my ground lifting my head high showing confidence.

/"are you seriously sulking over that bloody trip, were both fine stop making a big deal out of nothing/" I stare at him, that trip was a chance for us to spend time with each other how dare he.

I fucking put so much effort into that trip and planning everything.

/"and if I'm right you got a helicopter out of their /"he shoves a magazine on his desk. There plastered on the front was a picture with me exiting the helicopter. Lorenzo had the door open for me as I got out.

I smiled at it.

/"henry you don't care, I was fucking hurt and all you can do is blame me. If it wasn't for him I'd still be there for fuck sake/" I shout at him, my chest rising and falling at a steady pace.

He stands up quickly waking towards me with his heavy footsteps. I stepped back when he got too close, he was scaring me.

/"don't you raise your voice at me, I'm working for us don't be such an ungrateful bitch/" he barks at me like I'm some dog to him, like he has some higher stand between us.

I'm not prepared to be treated like this not when I deserve so much better than this.

My gaze lowered when I could feel the tears coming. I wish I didn't look.

Sometimes my reactions to things can be insane. That's why I was laughing when I saw what proved my suspicions.

/"Are you fucking laughing/" he shouted at me grabbing my chin roughly and digging his fingers into my skin.

I shoved him off, pissed right off.

/"Before you ever think about touching me again, sort your shit out/" I scream at him before bringing my leg up and kneeing him exactly where guys feel the most pain.

/"you bitch why did you do that/" he drops to the floor hiding his privates with his hands, yeah not much there to hide. I deserve more than this.

/"I give you everything you need and you want to cheat on me what with that slut outside/" I stare him down. His eyes widen before he curses.

Yeah shit henry.

/"sir what is/" the bloody women storms into the office. She gasps when she sees henry on the floor and me standing over him.

/"beautiful, well take this shitty ring and enjoy him/" I shove the ring roughly into her neck not even caring if I hurt her. I'm fuming right now.

/"Kristina wait/" he has the audacity to shout after me. I storm out of his office laughing. I don't why Hes asking me to wat. Clearly, he's found something better in that slut he calls a secretary.

Too bad that his boss is a friend of mine, a close family friend. He probably wouldn't have this promotion if it was for me and getting him the connections.

Before I left the building, I walked into the lift pressing the highest floor. Daniel who is a friend and works here too as a marketer smirks at me as the door close. Sent him a wink before he couldn't see me anymore.

How dare he is fucking cheat on me and think he wouldn't get caught.

When my phone starts to ring I smile when I see Rachel's name.

/"please tell me you're about to cause shit/" her giddy voice screams into the phone, she has music blasting through my speakers and I'm pretty sure she's dancing in nothing but her underwear.

/"how did you know/" I ask her.

/"Danny just called me saying code red about 10 times/" she laughs and so do I, trust Daniel to be excited about it. I rally was blind to see what a dick henry was. I should have listened to them because I wasn't happy with him and he was already balls deep into some other woman.

/"I'm going to see Richard right now/" I tell her, she's silent for a minute. /"fuck I want to be there but I'm naked and this is a really good song/" she turns the volume up I roll my eyes at her stupid antics.

But I agree that is a good song. She was listening to Alex Aiono knew song that is literally such a banger.

/"well were going out tonight to celebrate whatever the outcome okay girl/" I can already imagine her running to the wardrobe pick out both of our outfits.

/"you bet, pick something sexy for me/" I smile into the phone, just before the elevator doors open.

/"I shall not disappoint my little vixen/" she says before ending the call. I love that girl.