

I made a quick decision, I realised that Nick made a mistake but he knew exactly what he did. My mother always said the best man that I can find is an honest man. I believed that.

I wrapped my arms around him pulling him tightly. He moved his hands down my back and pulled me tighter.

/" Does this mean we can end this break/" I heard his mumble as he held me against his chest.

I lightly smacked him. /" yeah I guess it does/" I said smiling into his shoulder.

As we finally leant back I pressed my lips onto his. I tasted mint and instantly craved more.

/"Selene, your lip/" he whispered stopping the kiss.

I pouted. /" No, don't do that/" he shook his head, his voice deepening.

/"just one/" I said in my most cutest voice that I could manage.

That was all it took for him to press his lips onto mine.