

I didnt care that he was telling me what to wear and how to dress. This was his business, his office, his meeting. I respected that.

I ended up taking the quickest shower ever and grabbing a tight but long dress that covered my shoulders. I paired it with a beige blazer and a pair of heels.

Nick waited patiently in the car for me.

We arrived to the office quickly. As soon as we entered, his assistant walked over and handed him a hot coffee and started saying a bunch of things.

/" Get Selene a coffee too, shes joining me today for my meetings so set that up aswell/" the woman glanced at me confused.

/" dont ask/" Nick said pulling me with him in the direction of his office.

When the door was shut he turned around to face me.

/" You're highly respected here selene, they wont mind you sitting in/" he said picking up my chin and kissing me gently.