

Leon's POV

I smiled as I passed people in my office as they couldn't help but stare at the little guy as waddled around their desks being the curious little guy that he is. I spent the last two days with Jason, my boy since my mother in law suggested that Liz have a few days off.

Something about her getting her book published.

/"He looks so much like you/" Lucy who was the oldest of my employees says as she stands by the printer.

I look down with pride. I made the mistake of not spending enough time with him but I'm not going to mess it up now. I knew that if I wanted to even have Liz by my side again, I would need to start with our son.

I made a huge mistake and I want to be the husband and father she was looking for. Seeing the way men looked at her the other night was not something I took pride in. It only fuelled the fire that was within me.