

The guy seemed to be surprised that I knew. /"yeah my dad got this signed /"he told me finally letting me in a little bit. I listened carefully to him as he went through his whole collection with pride.

/"I'll take this one for £500/" I said pointing to the baseball.

I knew that the price was slightly generous, but I wanted to be generous. I've had experiences with homeless people who took my kindness to their advantage but from the look of it this guy was really in need.

The guy knew better than to argue with me, he was truly a business man when you just take the money no questions asked.

I came back from the cash machine after withdrawing 500 and handed it to him as he handed me the baseball. This would be a great present for my uncle on his 65th birthday.

/"Thank you, sir,/" he said shaking my hand. As I shook his hand something didn't feel right, was I just going to walk away for this guy?