


A girl with no name, no age ( but for the fun I will tell you, she is 17), no past and no family... nobody occurred as her parents when she was captured by the police for vandalism.

She always lived on the streets, and even though she does have both a dad and a mom, this girl really wasn't surprised they never appeared.

If people know nothing about you, you are dangerous... they become curious, but after they get nothing, they just get even more scared. This girl, who was named 'Nana' shortly after she got into her current 'home', which is a prison for special criminals, left everyone guessing if she is a brilliant actress or a damn crazy chick.

This girl wasn't a criminal, but everyone was so sure, that she would be. /"She is crazy/" - they all said... /"She is unpredictable... one day she might wake up, and decide to do something bad, to not just herself/". She can't be tamed... if you ask her about the scars she has, she will always answer with a smile, but god knows she will always lie to your face.

This girl is a passionate dancer, but she is chained in her cell most of the times because she means the most harm to herself, which isn't a big secret since she has countless scars on her arms. I think I forgot to tell you something... Oh, yes! This girl is me.


/"I suppose, you're Nana./"

I will probably never forget that expression he studied me with. The calm and deep, booming voice belonged to a tall pale and handsome man, who had the orbs of a murderer. He looked a lot like a vampire, but less of an Edward type, more like a Damon-Salvatore-I-murdered-thousands kinda vampire.

He had cruel, and cold eyes, trying to see through me. He was really good-looking but you wouldn't notice it because of how terrifying he made you feel.

/"You must be really fucking smart if you figured that out all on your own,/" I replied with a disgustingly sweet smile, letting myself lay back as I sat next to that cold wall. I had a cynical expression painted on my doll-like face, hoping he would just turn on his heels, figuring I am batshit crazy.

I wish I would've known; One of us really was crazy, but it wasn't me...