

You Are Not A Doctor

I learned the sound of all the different types of shoes, of all the different kind of people in here... Mr. Waffel's, my superior's, the one who wasn't scared enough to pass me to anyone else yet. It's all just question of time, but it is somehow fun, watching him trying to fit me into the 'poor, never-loved girl' he wants to see me as. He wants to feel pity for me so badly, it almost makes me laugh.

He usually walks slowly and has a one-sided sound, since his left leg is partially paralyzed, still, he refuses to use anything, that would help him walk... somewhere in my heart, I really look up to him because of that. I like proud people, they don't give up, and that is an attractive quality.

Also, the woman, or nurse, or who the hell is her, who brings me the meals every day... Her walk is easy to recognize since she is the only one with that kind of high-heels in the whole building. She has nice, fresh smell, but her skin makes her look so old... it could be the place she works at, it could be the lack of sleep she gets, but it ruined that pretty face of hers.

Oh, boo-hoo.

So as I was saying, I could tell whoever was getting near my cell, just by the sound of their footsteps. But this time, I had no idea, who was approaching my little hole, which they kept me in.

Strict, firm steps, making an equally quiet sound each time they touched the ground. It reminded me of a policeman's walk, but it wasn't as boring, it wasn't as square.

/"I suppose, you're Nana./" It clearly wasn't a question, so I didn't plan on nodding to him. Partly because I was trying to close my mouth after my jaw dropped to the floor, from the sight of the man who was standing right in front of me... Partly because I didn't want to be supportive.

/"You must be really fucking smart if you figured that out all on your own./" he smiled at my comment... Genuinely... he smiled. As if he was enjoying himself.

Was he not annoyed at all? He might have been, but he didn't show anything of it.

/"If you're hoping to scare me away with a few childish answers, you got the wrong man, sweetheart./"

Did you ever want to strangle someone so badly, that you imagined it over and over again? No? Well, I did.

His attitude was worse than mine, his calmness was disturbing. He enjoyed this way too much.

/"You are not a doctor, are you? Why are you here?/" I asked with a restless smile. He didn't answer right away, just made me witness how hot he is when a smile dances in the corner of those perfect lips.

Soooo that means he really wasn't a doctor, right?

/"Nor are you dangerous. So why are you here, Nana?/" he asked patiently, as his eyes stopped wandering on my thighs and neck, and fixated on my eyes. He just checked me out, and he didn't even try to hide it... what the fuck is this guy... I smiled innocently. The kind of innocent, that screams 'I will murder you in your sleep'.

/"Like you would care./"

/"I do. /" Came the quick, but calm and confident answer. I noticed that he has a hard time keeping his eyes off my chains... didn't they tell him I'm all tied up like a fucking dog? Yeah might look shocking, I agree.

/"Problem with the chains?/" I asked on a careless voice, even though the man made my body so tense, just with one look. He had something mental in him. Something that told me that behind that white lab coat, and pretty sharp jawline, there is something dangerous that I do not want to play with... he looked exactly like someone who should be in my place. He gave me a more honest, pleased smile.

/"Must be rough, to wear those, with scars on your wrists... Also, I bet they make their own damage, even on your neck... /" he wore a half-smile, as he led his stare up from my chained wrists to my collar, then my eyes. I decided to cover my confused body, with an almost flirtatious smile.

/"I get bored, with gentle things... Pain makes you feel alive for a while, doesn't it?/" he didn't seem surprised, he smiled as he would know that I will lead him on if we will talk about my chains.

/"I saw the pictures of your scars... They are a masterpiece, in the way that they are perfectly made to be painful, but not deep enough to kill you./"

Okay, hotness tossed to the side, who the fuck says a scar is a masterpiece? I did self-harm numerous times, but I never pretended I was painting on my damn skin.

/"Not many doc's walk into here, and compliment my cuts. Nor do they realize I didn't attempt to suicide./" I said like I would be impressed, but to be honest, I was just a little creeped out.

/"So you are here, chained up, because they think you are suicidal?/" - he asked calmly.. so soft, but still strict, deep voice - I catch myself drooling over his presence.

/"You should know./" - I laughed sarcastically.

/"All I see is that you are deranged and unpredictable. I see many reports of you, attacking one of the doctors./" he explained as if I wouldn't know.

/"They chained me up here, like an animal, and I'm deranged?/" I smiled with a slight sound of jest in my voice.

/"Who are we kidding, you like being tied up./" - his smile was surprisingly honest about the fact that he sees through me. I almost growled at him, in anger that he seems to be a step ahead of me.

/"They didn't do it, because I like it./" I answered shortly /"This is a prison, not a BDSM dungeon... Maybe you got lost?/" I was pleased with my remark.

/"I'm more than sure, that from the two of us, not I'm the one lost. At least I have a name... An identity./" I knew he will try to talk about that at some point, but I didn't think he will be so sneaky about it.

/"If you came here to get my name, you got the wrong girl, Sir./" - I yawned lazily, placing my eyes on his grey orbs, trying to figure him out.

/"I'm here to be less bored. And I got just the right girl, who will even write a song about her name for me if I say so. It's only a question of time and patience. /" he stood up, as the anger, and the bittersweet feeling of being defeated just crawled up on my throat, causing it to mute me for a second.

/"Get the fuck out of my cell. If you think I'm going to talk with you even one more time, you are even dumber than I thought you are./" I hissed. He slowly took some steps towards me, as I was sitting on the floor, with chained legs, arms, and neck. I could tell his eyes hid some kind of appetite, which somehow made me want anything he was thinking about, and I hated it. He just stared at me from above, like he waited for me to break down my mask, and stop lying...but I wasn't a beginner.

/"Rules, make you want to break them... /" he said not even giving a chance for me to look away. /"...And that makes me want to break you./"