

/"Please stop.../"

/"Stop what?/" he asked back a little confused.

/"Make this stop... I give up. I don't want to live anymore... Please let this end, Ramsey./" I whispered. It was barely hearable, but he was ever so quiet so after all, I'm still sure he got what I just said. Silence came and suddenly heavy footsteps darted towards me. I shivered but before I could've even reacted, I felt his hand on the top of my neck, gripping my throat so hard that I was no longer able to breathe. His hold was firm and confident, and after a few seconds, I realized that he was attempting to choke me... Well, it should've been obvious.

Suddenly I started to wiggle and move around in his hand, trying to escape from is deadly grasp, but all I got for that was that he pushed me up against the wall, so he wouldn't need to hold my full weight alone.