WebNovelFighter 50.00%



I was still fuming from the threat Clarkson gave me. Honestly him and 'Killer' can go stuff their stupid threats up their asses.

I was having such a nice day with Darron well aside from earlier, then they had to ruin it. He deserved more than a punch but I took it easy on him. Though when I did punch him everyone was so shocked. Wonder why?

/"You okay Tori?/" Caleb asked hesitantly. I sighed and nodded, not uttering a word. I chugged down the rest of my soda and gave them the best fake smile I could muster.

I wonder where Darron is? He's been gone for about 15 minutes now. Why did he leave so suddenly? I will have to ask him later.

/"We're sorry about Clarkson. We're not allies so of course he's going to be hostile towards you as well. But damn girl you got him good./" Dalton said while exaggerating the 'damn girl' like one of those girls who are over dramatic.