WebNovelFighter 46.88%



Foster’s POV

Why do I feel so bad right now? It should have been fulfilling like it usually is. Messing around with girls always helped me when I was bored, angry, sad or just in the mood but now I don't feel that, all I feel is guilt and I have no freaking idea why!

Maybe I'm just having an off day today, not like Tori though. I can't even begin to imagine what she's feeling right now.

If I ever meet this Dennis guy I will rip him limb from limb. I wouldn't care if he had just hurt her in the smallest way I still would rip him apart.

Poor Caleb he feels so guilty for what happened to her. He told us that he took her to the pharmacy and then she had to get to work. It's not like he knew what was going to happen so he really shouldn't be blaming himself.