WebNovelFighter 43.75%



/"Tori? Wake up./" My eyes snapped open and locked onto my brothers beautiful blue eyes. They were filled with worry and sadness, why would he be sad?

/"What's wrong Ellie?/" The naive 4 year old me asked. There were unshed tears in his eyes. A traitorous tear fell and I quickly reached up to wipe it away.

/"Ellie?/" He sniffed and wiped his eyes quickly. /"C-can I s-sleep with you tonight?/" I nodded my head and shifted over for him to lie down. He immediately crawled in under the covers and faced me. He wrapped his arms protectively around my tiny waist and pulled me closer to him.

I layed my head against his chest and listened to the calming sound of his heart beat. /"Ellie please tell me what's wrong?/" I asked while looking up at him.

He looked down at me and gave me a sad smile. /"Nothing’s wrong Sis. Can I ask you something?/" he asked, seeming quite nervous.