WebNovelFighter 87.50%



It’s been a few days since the whole Sam incident and I think things are going well. Ellie hasn't been trying to murder Sam every minute so I think we're making good progress.

Sam's been informing us about what’s happening with Dennis. He told us that both Spencer and Natasha has been confronted by Dennis. Apparently they haven't accepted nor declined from what he's heard.

We told mom and Tammy about our situation and asked them to stay away for a while. It took a lot of convincing and yelling but we got them to stay at Jeffery's place. He happily welcomed them to his home.

His wedding is actually in about a week. You can tell he's so happy and in love with his fiancée. She's a very beautiful woman. Bethany indeed did give him hassle when she found out the truth about him, but still accepted him none the less.