WebNovelFighter 90.63%




That’s how that date went. I don't think anyone of us could see where it was going.


The drive to the restaurant was quiet. Everything seemed so awkward. Jacob and Kiara were in the other car that was driving behind us. /"So tell me again why they have to come?/" I asked Jen who was driving while Anna was in the passenger seat. Me and Foster sat in the back.

/"She's my friend and I let her come along. Deal with it./" Anna snaps at me. I go to snap at her but Foster grabs my hand. I look at him but he just shakes his head, silently telling me to just drop it.

I internally huff but stay quiet. We pull up to the restaurant a little while later. Just as I'm about to climb out of the car Foster stops me. I look at him curiously but he only smiles.