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Not entirely what had happened but I woke up to a throbbing headache and a dull dimly lit room, trying to get up too fast, my head spun and I almost tripped over my own existence as I fell back down on the sofa I was laying on, there was a jacket that had been placed over me as if to keep me warm so I examined it, it was a leather jacket, looked like it belonged to a man, putting it aside, I looked around the room, it one of the VIP rooms of the club that I had danced at, and then it all sank in and vague images of my memory began to cloud my mind.

The masked man.

I was dancing with him and he whispered those words in my ear;

‘You didn’t think that I’d let you come out here alone tonight did you? You dance well, I’m only glad that I’m the one you’re dancing on. Anyone else and I might’ve had to kill them.’