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Watching her from a distance was becoming difficult. With each second that went by, another man was becoming a threat to her. Everyone wanted a piece of what was mine and I couldn’t let that happen, I couldn’t let anyone get to her, I wouldn’t. Never. I would never allow it.

I had been angry enough when I watched the piece of shit at the bar spike her drink and try to assault her, though I didn’t let him lay a finger on her, I wasn’t so sure how long it would be before someone else tried to harm her. I had to get her to me as soon as possible, I had to protect her.

Watching her shower through the shower curtains, I was afraid that during my battle with other men, I’d end up losing control myself and hurting her. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about my hands all over her body but before I could go any further with my thoughts, I stopped myself. I didn’t want to hurt her. I just wanted to save her. From everyone and from…. herself.