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I had tried to forget the masked man, my creepy stalker and although I was thankful to him, I still couldn’t help but feel wary of his obsession with me and even though I tried so hard to forget his existence, it was difficult when all he did was remind me of his presence. Texts, calls, he was always there, I always felt like he was watching me and as time went by, it was becoming worse and worse.

/"V there’s a parcel for you!/"

Kiara said as she knocked on my door before walking in with a box in her hand.

/"Are you sure it’s for me?/"

I asked as I watched her set the box down on my bed before walking back towards the door as she said;

/"Yep. It has your name all over it./"

Winking her way out the door, I muttered silently to myself;

/"Weird, I never ordered anything./"

And as I studied the box, I realised that Kiara was not kidding, my name was literally written everywhere on the box.