WebNovelWEBCAM 45.00%



Trying to stay awake, I could barely keep my eyes open, I’m not sure how long I had been tied to this chair, just facing the monitors, watching myself live but I was beginning to give into my exhaustion as my eyes fluttered open and shut, I was afraid that if I gave into sleep, I’d wake up to the same nightmare, I never wanted to wake up to this nightmare again, I never wanted to sleep if it meant I’d wake up to this horror but just as I was beginning to lose myself to the thoughts in my head, I froze, my body tensing up as I heard the heavy footsteps of someone entering this dark place, the door opened from a distance and a wave of lights cascaded into the room, revealing the dark silhouette of my captor as I tried to zero in on him but much to my efforts, I couldn’t see a thing, not with the room still being dark, he seemed more like a shadow, a shadow of my nightmares.

/"Please- let me go./"