WebNovelWEBCAM 50.00%



/"Where are we?/"

I looked around, trying to find a way to find a way to ease my way into asking him to release me though I knew that, that was a long shot, like he said, he didn’t go through all the trouble of capturing me in order to just let me go so easily.

/"At an abandoned building, it used to be a tobacco factory that my father owned but now it’s just abandoned and only here for my use./"

Ok so it was a tobacco factory, one that is no longer in use, that means if I somehow told my watchers on the live stream, they’d be able to tell the police and I’m sure I’d be located in no time because what’s the odds of there being multiple abandoned tobacco factories. Though, I couldn’t lie, this seemed a little too easy. Was he trying to play with me? Maybe he was testing me? Why would he give me a crucial information that could be my ticket out of here?

/"Why is it that you brought me here?/"