WebNovelWEBCAM 55.00%




I tried to get up on my feet and make a run for it once more but it was futile. Groaning out in agony, I fell to the floor once more, grabbing my left ankle in my hand, I could feel my entire body shaking with pain as I panted for air. I had sprained my ankle but I had to keep going, I had to keep running so with everything I had, I pulled my body up once more and this time, I managed to make it about two steps before my entire world started spinning around me and I was back on the floor again, I could see the droplets of blood falling onto my shirt and when I touched where it was hurting the most, I realised that I had hit my head and I was bleeding…. And then, it was too late to do anything else because as I looked up from the two shoes stood before me, my eyes fell onto my captors as he held my gaze.

/"Look what you made me do Vienna? I didn’t want to hurt you and I hurt you. I didn’t want to./"