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Shuddering in my seat, the plane was taking awfully long to take off and I was grateful for it, hoping the flight would get cancelled but I knew I was feeding myself a unrealistic fantasy.

/"Hurry the Fuck up./"

Ayato muttered beneath his breath, I could see him getting more frustrated as the seconds went by.

/"What the fuck is taking so long?/"

He looked towards me like I knew the answer to his question but before I could even shrug, the same flight attendant from before came back over to us, her eyes fixated on me, a look of concern swimming within her features.

/"Sir, Ma’am, can you come with me?/"

She said and those words, it gave me relief. Had they realised? Would they save me? But if they did….. would I be killed for it? A mixture of emotions throttled my lungs as I went to unclasp my belt but Ayato paused me as he placed his hand on my lap before returning his undivided attention to the woman.