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He was a ….. vampire?

He was drinking my blood, I could feel my veins clenching and contracting as he sipped me dry, I couldn’t move, completely paralysed beneath his grasp, all I could do was endure.

He was a vampire.

Was I going insane? How could this be possible? Was he going to kill me? My eyes shot open as I only just put two and two together, blood slave, that’s what it meant, a slave to a vampire, feeding him my blood, that’s why he bought so were all those people at the auction also vampires? I couldn’t believe it, I had to be losing my mind…. How-

I wasn’t only just losing my mind but I was losing consciousness too, the more he drank from me, the more I lost control of my body, I had gone limp before him and I couldn’t help but think that this was one crazy way to go, would I be on the news? ‘ A girls dead body found drained of blood. Bite marks on her neck. Seems like the work of a vampire.’