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A blood demon… that thought had been crossing my mind the entire time I slept, it’s like my subconscious was trying to haunt me as I tried to get some rest like Cien had asked me to but my attempts at resting was futile, I couldn’t stop tossing and turning so instead, I sat up, gingerly reaching for the bite mark on my neck, my fingers shook as they traced my skin, it hurt to touch, damn it, it hurt without me even touching it, it felt like someone had dropped a bag of bricks on my neck, I could barely move it, I wonder if my body will ever get used to being bit and fed on. Is this what I had to put up with until I found a way to steal his money and make a run for it?

Sighing, I lifted my legs over the bed and set them on the floor and just as I did, I almost had a heart attack, my beloved master was stood beside the door watching me… just how long had he been standing there?

/"You couldn’t sleep./"