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/"Would you care to share?/"

I didn’t understand. Why had this man- who’s name seemed to be Loki, had brought me over to all of these other men. These were the same men I had saw a couple of days ago, the same men that I had tried to stay away from. Though I hadn’t had much human interaction, I could feel that there was something wrong here, none of it felt right.

After what seemed to be like forever, Loki shrugged his shoulders and said;

/"Be my guest./"

Before he glanced me a look of some sort of emotion that I couldn’t read as he walked towards a tree opposite me, leaning against it, he folded his big solid arms across his chest with his eyes on me. The way he was looking at me, it was enough to send shivers up my spine, let alone the things he had done to me.

/"Well aren’t you a unique little girl?/"