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I’d come here to hunt animals, live in the wilderness for a while and behave like a caveman and yet instead of hunting animals, I was hunting a girl.

A beautiful girl.

I couldn’t stop myself, I didn’t mean to stumble up on her when I went for a walk around the forest but the moment I saw her swimming in the lake, I knew that she had to be mine. Her white hair and pale skin made her look like an ice goddess and yet, she was spending her time living in a small cabin in the middle of a forest and away from all civilisation. I wondered why she was living here, I had been watching her ever since I set my eyes on her and I couldn’t help but notice that her behaviour was quite odd. She didn’t seem care that she was surrounded by wild hungry animals and I don’t mean myself, though I am one of those wild hungry animals, it was still just strange for a young girl to be so carefree at a place like this.