


It was almost lunch break, I’m hungry and so is Damon. An idea pop up on my mind and just thinking about it makes me smile.

/"Hey Bro, you up for lunch?/"

/"Yeah, I’m so hungry. I think the success we made with Mr. Yuri took a toll on me, what can I say, sheer happiness./" Damon replies.

/"Oh well, I'm thinking we should invite Daisy for lunch or should we just go to the cafeteria and eat with her so we won't overwhelm her./" I ask.

/"Cafeteria it is./" as he stood up wearing his suit. /"Do you know how hard it is to block that jasmine rosy scent? Darius is all scratchy and hard to control when he's around her./"

/"Guess our staffs are in for a shock seeing us at the cafeteria./"

/"Things we do for our mate Bro./"

With that we pause the day's work, shutting our laptops and striding towards a wonderful lunch with our mate. As we got closer, her scent gets stronger.

As usual, the cafe is always noisy. Office gossips are the worse especially when a juicy story flies in. We reach the crowded room, opened the door only to see a group of laughing workers around Daisy and Jacobs burns with his head resting comfortably on our mates shoulders while laughing. No one noticed our presence.

/"Miss King./" Damon booms which shook everyone in fright silencing the hall.

I could hear the sound of pin drop; Jacob fell off his chair. We glared deathly stares at him, who does he think he is to touch whats ours talk more of been in an intimate position. I'm so going to fire this bastard after we deal with him.

Daisy looked at us and instinctively stood up to leave as our eyes softened at her frightened state. Bidding Miss Adeline and that Jacob goodbye, I heard his stupid reply.

/"Laters baby./" which caused Damon and I to growl at him making him flinch.

That's it, he's so dead before night fall. You don't share the same air with our mate and call her baby in front of us, that's you calling death to be your Bestie. Looking around we noticed Lil miss trouble have escaped.

I think I've lost my appetite, and she think she can run from us. She's ours. Ours! Damon boomed as we make our way to her office.

I violently pulled the door open hearing her shriek I'm fright as we walk in.

/"What is the meaning of that stunt Daisy?/" Damon said, while trying to calm down without scaring the life out of our mate.

/"Excuse me Mr. Adams but I don't understand what I did wrong./" Her beautiful voice laced out. I melt.

/"The act of Jacob feeling comfortable on your shoulders while laughing, can you explain that?/" He barks at her.

/"It's not what you think Sir, he's my friend and it was just a friendly act./" She looked at me which I was disappointed and fuming.

/"Friendly act you say. I don't want to see you near him or any male as a matter of fact./" Damon continues.

/"Sir Damian please talk to Sir Damon; I didn't do anything wrong. Jakey was been friendly since I didn't have anyone to talk to at the cafeteria and he's nice./" she tried explaining.

/"Jamey? Did you just give him a pet name? That's it, he's fired./" I bellowed. What the f*ck? I fumed. Why will my mate give him a pet name. I'm so going to kill that bastard.

/"Please Sirs I'll do anything just don't fire him, he's my friend. OK I won't let him touch me in a public place we growled OK especially not in a private place. I'll do anything Sirs, please don't hurt my friend./" She reason almost at the verge of tearing.

OK maybe we overreacted, not our fault though. At least we got something pleasant from the heated arguments. Smiling wickedly at Damon.

/"It's alright Princess./" Damon says as he coos. /"Nothing will happen to Jacob./" he tries to comfort her tensed mood caressing her face lovingly. And he just called her Princess, whoa we're so whipped.

I couldn't resist anymore as I strode forward to tuck a strand of her wavy lock behind her ear. /"So beautiful./" I say. She shyly looks down at her feet. The moon goddess really gave us the Best.


When my best friend invited me for dinner, I didn't imagine her stabbing our favorite chunky monkey flavor while eating with anger. Like who the hell got her this angry and no one eats ice-cream angrily. That's against the Law of ice-cream with Big NO, NO.

/"OK if you want to vent your frustration on something try not killing that ice-cream in front of me./" I said sarcastically.

/"Sorry Jer, I think you're right. I made a deal with the devils. My bosses can be so annoying./"

/"Share your thoughts, I'm all ears besides I need clues to get you a redemption and save your soul before it's too late./" I winked causing both of us to laugh.

She tried relaying her first day to me and the cafeteria scenario as I end up laughing my ass out, my favorite part of her day is actually the morning battle. Who bullies at this age of their life...I kept listening while eating my ice-cream until she was done talking. What actually caught my attention, was when they got touchy as they cooed her.

/"Dai Bae, I think your bosses like you?/" I stood and left to drop my empty cup in the sink.

/"What!!! Nope you don't understand or you didn't hear what I said exactly./" she follows me to the kitchen.

/"Well you said they growled at Jacob when they saw him leaning on you at the cafe right. That's jealousy. And when you called Jacob, Jakey plus they refrained you from contact with any male. That's possessive./" I reason to her while sitting on the island chair.

She looks at me perplexed. /"How do you put two and two out of my story. Are you hearing yourself? They want to control my life and you're here saying they like me. Not fair Jer./" she pouts angrily.

/"How about this, try and do what they say for now. Watch and see their reactions, then if I'm wrong which I'm always right,/" she rolls her eyes /"Confront them or report to HR./"

/"OK./" she thoughtfully said as we sat beside each other to finally eat dinner. We continued our random talks about anything and everything until we finished eating.