


I told Jerry goodnight closing my door. I couldn't ask for more; Jerry is the Best friend I will ever ask for. Since we both did the dishes, I went to shower and prepare for a blissful night rest. Sleep, my third Best friend after Jerry who's the first and ice-cream which follows.

Maybe he's right or maybe I'm right but who cares, I'm just trying to gain my sanity back because it seems I'm losing it faster than a jet at speed.

Sir Damon, Sir Damian what have you twins done to me? I was the confident, strong willed girl who doesn't think with her heart but her head. And now, I don't even know who I am. I feel like putty just looking at them, when I know fully well I was never part or in favor of groupies. Yikes, I couldn't even hold the urge when they got dominant. Someone give me a gun, please.

I'll just avoid them at office, strictly business and no flirting. Daisy get your head straight, I told myself as I drifted off to sleep.


Here I am walking through the forest, admiring the beauty of nature. This reminds me of my vacation in West Africa touring in the Woods with Jerry whom I met during our flight. Seeing the dense forest, tall trees, bird chirping, and the massive vast of green around me. This is what I call Life. In my sundress flowing with the air, hair blowing wild like a Lions mane. I'm at Peace, nothing can steal this from me.

At sight, ahead of me is a Mango tree, my stomach growled at my lack of food. Wasting no time, I walk straight to the closest fruit but trust my height. I tried jumping but still no gain. Frustrated and hungry, I decided to climb, half through I slipped and here I am thinking I'm perfect for the wild. I yelped.

I'm not feeling any impact of the rough soil, or pains or injuries. Ha, I'm flying without wings, in your face gravity because I can fly. Oops hold on, I'm not flying, I'm on a strong arm which is holding my small frame. Mtcheww gravity 1 - 0 me.

I struggled to get down safely, looking up at a smiling Jacob.

/"Hey pretty, I actually thought you passed out on me there. Besides if you want to kill yourself try using a knife./" He winks smirking.

/"I'm not doofus, I was just hungry and the mango was the closest thing around here before I die of starvation./"

/"OK let me help you, I actually went for a stroll but heading back./"

He lifts my up as I happily took more than one for both of us. Setting me down, we began walking as I giggled at his joke. Suddenly he froze, I stop to look towards the direction of his sight. Ahead is Two wild wolves staring dangerously at us. Jacob took a protective stance in front of me, pushing me behind him.

/"Who are you and why are you with our mate?/" One of it growls showing its fangs at Jacob.

/"Princess step away from that human now./" the other barked at me, I flinched.

/"First, it's either I'm going nuts to admit I'm hearing wild beasts talking to me. Second, how did you know my name. Finally, don't you dare talk to me like you own me, because you don't own me./" I snapped at the vile creatures.

OK that might have been a wrong move, scratch that. The worst move I've ever made, seeing their eyes turn pitch black in anger but I won't give them that chance to think I'm afraid.

Hell I'm so afraid.

/"We own You Daisy. You're our mate, and that gives us right because we have claimed you the moment we set our eyes on you. What is left for us to do is to mark you and you'll forever be ours./" They both said eerily.

WTF!!! I don't know what is happening here but I'm not letting some hairy, beastly beings claim me. Taking Jacobs arm I pulled him along, far away from whatever that is to a safe place. So I thought.

Jakes hand was ripped away from me within seconds of actualizing my thoughts.

How did they get here so fast from that distance which by science its termed not possible? And did they know what I had in mind for them to stop me.

While processing my thoughts. Jake was flung to a tree and landed with a loud thud. /"OMG Jakey,/" I ran towards him struggling to get up.

Before I could reach him, I was gripped and hung on a shoulder of the hairy beast. I cried fighting to get down from this massive shoulders.

/"Please don't hurt him./" I pleaded in tears.

/"No one, I mean no one touches our Queen./" I saw him barking orders as his grip on Jakes neck tighten. /"Do you hear me human?/"

I felt it was more of a command than a question. I felt weak, defeated, hopeless. I couldn't protect my friend even if he tried saving me. Why are they doing this? What have I done wrong that peace hates me? Why are they calling me their mate, their Queen? If this is a prank, I just can't wait to go all ninja on the director, plus I freaking hate this type of horror movies where my friends are about to be ripped into half judging by the look of things.

/"That's it, drop me down right this minute and you unhand my friend now or you won't like my next action./" I spoke in a booming voice, three set of eyes trained on me shocked. Funny enough both creatures complied, I look at them angrily.


I heard Jacob as he raised a pointy club to the closest beast as he lunged about to stab him. Within seconds he was ripped into shreds by the furious beasts.

I don't know if I'm to scream for help or cry for my lifeless friend or run for my dear life as they stood bloody besides a Jacob lifeless. Blood splattered everywhere around us, I was transfixed. I found out feeling everything move in circles even the beasts. Oh it's me spinning, shoot. I black out.