

Ashley's POV

I wake up but not with the warmth I slept with obviously after the.......... nightmare.

That nightmare really looks real and sounds like it's telling me a message, like what Chase said:

Whatever is happening between us now, it's just me being scared, I still love you. Never forget that.

But what his he scared of? That's the thing I didn't think of, maybe his scared that I might leave him. If he doesn't love me then why did he slept next to me last night?

Maybe Daniela and Mason were right:

/"He said you’re the only one that could take him out of the cage his in./"

I won't take him out of the cage but I'll break the cage.

But this might be hard...

I walked in the kitchen and met no one except our maid Maria.

/"Hi Maria./"

/"Hi Ashley./" She greets. Well, she's supposed to call me ma'am but I rather let her call me by my name.