Ashley's POV
/"Really Ashley?/"
/"You did that alone?/"
/"Why won't I?/"
/"Coz what?!
/"Coz coz/"
/"You not making sense Michelle./"
/"Then let's just leave it./"
/"That's what I was doing when you decided to bring it up./"
/"Okay, okay it's fine. I now get it that you know how to bake!/"
/"Well thank the Lord you finally agreed!/"
/"Anyways can I have more?/"
/"No! This one is reserved and this ones are for the others./"
/"Reserved for who?/"
/"You will know when the time comes and I said for the others./"
She sighs and crossed her arms over her chest, looking at the cake.
/"Do you know where Daniela and Paige is?/"
/"Well Danielle went out on a date with Mason and Paige doesn't come to any area that includes me, like I have a disease on me or something./" she said folding her arms looking somewhere.