


/"Why is Mason taking this long? He never takes this long to ease himself./" Ace said pacing around. Me and Ace are just outside the bar waiting for Mason to come back from the corner of the bar. He told us that he wanted to pee.

It’s been thirty minutes already and he isn’t back. I am currently resting my back on my Range Rover, while Ace is just pacing around.

I took out my iPhone to text Mason when I heard a scream from the corner of the bar and share glances with Ace before we both start running to where the strange voice came from.

Once we got there we saw Mason bleeding on the floor while our nemesis gangs’ two members running after a….girl?

/"Ace, check on Mason while I run after the two guys./" I heard Ace mumble a /"yes/" while I run after those two bastards.

Ashley’s POV

I started running faster once I heard the two guys footsteps coming closer to me.

I know how to run fast because I’m used to my uncle running after me with a knife so I’m pretty good at running away when I can.

My uncle likes to stab me with a knife at my back. But I don’t have many scares on my back because I always run before he even touch me with the knife.

I was cut off my thoughts when I tripped on a brick. How stupid was I? I was not even focusing on where I was going.

Blood starts spreading on my right knee through my jean. Oh My Gosh what have I gotten myself into? I can’t even stand up.

/"Look who thinks she can run away from us./" The guy with dark brown hair said.

/"I’m really sorry guys. Please don’t hurt me. I promise I won’t tell anyone what just happened./" I lied to them. What?... Of course, I will tell the police they killed an innocent person.

/"You think we will believe you? we not dumb enough to let you free./" The guy with blonde hair said once he got closer to me.

/"Please don’t hurt me/" I said trying my hardest to not cry.

/"I will do what I want with you./" He said with a smirk on his face. He pushed me down till my back connects with the floor. /"Then we kill you./"

I don’t have energy to fight back because I used the little energy I had to run away and guess what?... It wasn’t even useful. I don’t have enough energy because the last time I ate was yesterday. I couldn’t even eat in the cafeteria.

He knelt down in front of me and took out his belt. /"Let’s have some fun before you die./" He said while taking off my hoodie. When he was done taking off my hoodie, he grabbed my crop top and tore it apart than he took off my jean that was getting socked with my blood. He was about to take of my bra. I didn’t want to see this part, so I quickly close my eyes while saying a silent prayer.

After two minutes I still didn’t feel him touching me, my bra. So, I decided to open my eyes slowly while breathing heavily.

Once I fully opened it, I was met with grey eyes. I just hugged my saviour. I didn’t care that I was soaking his shirt with my tears as long as no one hurts me again.

/"Don’t worry everything is okay./" He said while rubbing my back. /"Let’s get out of this place and get you warmed up./" He spoke. I didn’t even notice that I was shaking. He carried me with his warm arms.

Once I realized what he just said I quickly jump out of his warm arms and landed on the floor hard with my butt and was met with the cold breeze again. Ouch!

I don’t even know him. I know he saved my life, but I can’t just follow a guy I just met like ten minutes ago to wherever his taking me because he saved my life!

As if he was reading my thoughts he said /"Don’t worry I won’t hurt you, and I’m sure you will remember me once you see my face from the light. Okay?/" he said with an assuring smile. I just nodded and tried to get up, but I ended up hurting my butt again making the pain worse./" Hey, it’s fine. I’ll carry you./" He said not waiting for my reply he just carried me bridal style like I am as light as a piece of paper.

I was met with his warm arms again, not even caring about where he is taking me. God knows where.

I just know I wish I could stay in his arms for ever. I mumbled thank you before the darkness consumed me.