


Just staring at her made me smile. She looks cuter while sleeping. What is wrong with me? I don’t say such things. I never admire girls.

I remembered her very well because she is the same girl that bumped into me and has that beautiful hazel eyes I was drawn to in the cafeteria. She just gave me a strange feeling that I don’t understand. That feeling I have never felt before but wish it lasts.

That means you have a crush on her.

My stupid mind said.

Hey, I am not stupid and if I am stupid that means you’re also stupid.

Hey stupid mind I don’t have a fuckin crush on her-

I was cut off my thoughts when my phone starts ringing but I don’t pick it because my hands are full.

When I reached the corner of the bar. I couldn’t find Mason nor Ace. Then my phone rings again. But still didn’t pick it. Remember I’m carrying a beautiful angel here… Shit! What am I saying?

I turned left to drop her in my Range Rover. But it was not there. Then I remembered Ace has my keys because he was the one driving. So, I had no choice to slowly drop her down but rest her head on my thigh.

I took out my phone to see twenty missed calls and four messages. So, I decided to read the messages first:

Ace: Bro, where did you go?

Ace: Manson is still breathing

Ace: I went with your car to take Manson to the hospital. You can call Jackson to bring your other car.

Ace: Bro are you okay?

I just replied with:

Me: Okay and yeah, I’m fine.

I quickly called Jackson.


/"Can you bring my Mercedes Benz for me?/"

/"Yes, boss I’m on my way./" He said before dropping the phone call. I quickly put my phone back in my pocket and pick up my princess.

Hey…. since I don’t know her name, I’ll rather call her my I mean princess

After five minutes he brought my other baby.

/"Hey bos-/"he stopped talking when he sees my princess.

/"Yeah? You were saying?/"

/"Oh uh…. here is the car boss, should I drive for you?/"

/"Of course, dump ass./" I said while putting my princess inside the car and rushing to the other side of the car. Jackson just stayed shock at my reaction. /"Are you going to start the car or I can start it and leave you here?/" I asked.

/"Oh no, sorry sir./" He said while getting in the car.

I kept on repeating this in my mind:

I will never love again…