

Ashley’s POV

/"Ouch!/" My head hurts…..a lot. I try to open my eyes but quickly shut them. The light is too much. I opened them again and I looked around to see my surroundings. I guess I’m back in this room. Wow just when I am happy that I am back to school someone has to knock me out. What did I do to your life?

/"Sssshhhh you going to wake my sister up./" I am sure that’s Mason’s voice I heard.

/"Then you should stop annoying us and saying we should find him and kill him./" They should kill him? More like kill who? I am pretty sure I didn’t hear right, maybe because I just woke up, because these people I got to know, don’t kill people. I won’t lie but they really look like they can kill someone when you upset them.

/"You know what guys. Let’s just leave him./" Chase deep voice. I heard the door opening and close again.