

Ashley’s POV


/"Yeah so./"

/"Can you tell me everything now?/" Michelle asked raising her right eyebrow.

I sigh. /"Okay, but promise me you won’t freak out or feel pity for me and don’t interrupt me till I’m done explaining. Okay?/" I narrowed my eyes at her.

/"Okay, I promise./" She nods.

/"I’m only telling you this because you are the only one I will let in, no one else. So don’t tell anyone. It all started at home…../" I explained to her everything about how my uncle abuses me and why I don’t allow her to visit me when I am at home. I told her that my parents may still be alive but I don’t know where they are. That my uncle told me my parents don’t want me that’s why I’m staying with him.

I told her why I wasn’t at school for two weeks and how I got to Chase’s house. Sometimes I hear her gasp but I chose to ignore them.