Chapter 36 Healing Wounds By Absorbing Cores

Listening to the doctor's story about Plants Beasts made us very surprised because this was the first time we had heard of this. "Does that Plant Beast really exist? doctor?" Uncle Tony asked about the truth of the existence of the Beast.

"Yes, I have never seen it with my eyes and head either. But from their excitement when someone found and managed to hunt Plant Beasts in the city. I guess Plant Beasts exist and are very rare of course." The doctor wasn't too sure about that because he had only heard about it from the bookstore keeper in town.

"All right for now you guys forget about the Plant Beast because even in a city it's a very rare thing. Especially in this village who have never heard of this and have never appeared around the village" the doctor spoke and immediately left uncle's shop because uncle's condition would soon get better on its own.

After the doctor left the four of us started to think with our minds. Until finally Uncle Matt sighed. "Never mind, that seems like an impossible thing for us to find and hunt for now. At least the four of us managed to survive the Earth Bull Beast's pursuit."

Hearing that, the three of us could only sigh. "But that's not impossible, maybe the three of us are no longer possible to find and hunt the Plant Beast, but this is not impossible for Bobby" Uncle Tony looked at me with a smile.

"Hahaha, Yes, you're right, how could I forget that Bobby is already a Warrior at a very young age and he will enter the Warrior academy through the genius path in one month and while at the academy he can look for those Plant Beasts around City" Uncle Andrew realized that the opportunity to heal Uncle Jason's hands and feet was not impossible if I made it into the Warrior academy.

Uncle Matt tapped me on the shoulder and said "Jason's recovery is in your hand kid, don't waste this opportunity" then Uncle Tony and Uncle Andrew saw me by nodding their heads.

I, who saw their expressions, nodded my head and said "Okay uncle when I'm at the academy, I'll look for the Plant Beast until I find it." Seeing my response, Uncle Jason's three friends smiled.

"Okay then, Bobby, we will return to our house first, because if not, our family will worry. We leave Jason to you" Uncle Tony tapped me on the shoulder and the three of them went out of the shop to return to their respective homes.

After the three of them left I intend to practice my skills again, but right now my hand is in the process of healing and my cellphone will need a few more hours until it is fully charged and my hand can be completely healed. 'Should I just absorb this Core, besides recovering my energy, this Core also restores my HP. Maybe I can speed up the healing of my hand'

I'm trying to absorb the Core that I got this morning. While I was absorbing the Core I felt that my right hand was starting to hurt, but it was also starting to heal my wounds. Until finally I didn't feel the pain in my right hand anymore.

In the end, I managed to absorb all the Cores and my body felt fit again.


I added my Str and Vit one each this time.



Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 58 (10/60)

HP: 590/590

Energy: 295/295

Str: 41

Agi: 25

Vit: 20

Total Attribute: 86

Free attribute point: 0

Battle Exp Point: 50

It's good that now my cellphone and energy are full again, and my hands don't hurt anymore and they're back to how they were before. Then I looked at uncle, wishing uncle had the healing power of absorbing Cores like me. Then it will be easy. 'Plant Beast and academy, I have to go there

All right while practicing to get stronger soon, so when I'm at the academy I can look for Plant Beasts to heal uncle's hands and feet. After that, I started practicing in the backyard as usual.

After my energy runs out I take a shower and then immediately go to bed. The next day...

I woke up and immediately went to the bathroom. While I was passing through the kitchen I saw Uncle Jason who was standing assisted with a stick, there he was burning the meat of the beast that I was hunting at that time.

"Uncle, what are you doing? You have to rest first now" I saw that and immediately approached and helped uncle to burn the Beast's meat and asked him to rest.

"Hahaha, you think I'm an old weakling brat? Don't worry, I'm a Warrior, even though I can only use one arm and one leg. I still have a strong body and it's not difficult if it's just to scorch this Beast. Besides, I'm also very hungry because I haven't eaten since yesterday" Uncle smiled to not make me worry. Seeing that I didn't stop him anymore but helped him to burn the Beast.

"Uncle, are you okay?" I saw the condition of the uncle who lost his hands and feet. "Take it easy, maybe I won't be able to hunt anymore, but I will still be able to take care of my life kid" my uncle answered my question with a smile.

"Uncle, how about..." I want to tell uncle something. But uncle immediately stopped me, "No need to think about an old man like me brat, I know what you're trying to say. But you have to make your dreams come true, I am like this because I want to fulfill my dream of becoming a Level 2 Warrior, even though I have to hunt a Level 2 Beast and might lose my life. So you also have to fight to reach your dream.

Uncle seemed to know what I wanted to say so he immediately stopped me. Since uncle said that, I decided in my heart to find the Plants Beast and get its Core to heal uncle and maybe that will make him a Level 2 Warrior.