Chapter 37 One Month Later

It's been a month since Uncle Jason and his friends tried to hunt a Level 2 Beast. Right now I'm in the kitchen of my uncle's shop roasting the Beast meat. During this one month, I hunted Beast every day to get stronger.

During this month I have also succeeded in increasing my level from 58 to 97 by eating Beast meat 3 times a day and absorbing 23 Beast Cores. Sometimes uncle's friends help me practice sparring at uncle's shop.

So that not only my level has increased but also my skills.



Host Name: Bobby

Race: Human

Class: Warrior Level 1 (Normal).

Level: 97 (30/100)

HP: 980/980

Energy: 490/490

Str: 61

Agi: 48

Vit: 39

Total Attribute: 148

Free attribute point: 0

Battle Exp Point: 300

My current status is much stronger than a month before, I think I will soon become a Level 2 Warrior or Level 1 Warrior Uncommon category. Although I don't know how to become a Level 2 Warrior or Level 1 Uncommon category, For my Skills.


For each of my Skills when reaching Level 3, the Energy Cost needed to use them also increases, because the Skill effect also continues to grow stronger.

It's a shame that currently, no one can enter the Adiyasa Forest because the Earth Bull Beast is still guarding the forest exit since we managed to escape from it. So I can only hunt Goat Beasts around the village and keep myself from getting new Skills by absorbing Beast Cores from other Beasts in the forest.

Today is the day I've been waiting for. Yes, this is the day that an envoy from the academy will come to our village to select whichever of the children below the age of 15 will enter the academy.

I was so impatient with this person's arrival that I woke up early in the morning, for fear of being late for today's academy entrance selection event. By this time I had finished taking a shower and was preparing breakfast for me, my uncle, and his friends.

Uncle's friends wanted to see me at the selection ceremony to enter the academy together. So we decided to meet at this shop and eat breakfast together before leaving.

While I was grilling the Beast's meat, a knock on the door was heard. Knowing this I wanted to immediately open the door for them, but uncle asked me to continue burning the meat and he went to greet the others at the door.

This time they came with their respective families. Uncle Tony came with his wife and 2 sons, uncle Tony's wife is just an ordinary person, not a Warrior and her children are still 8 and 6 years old, so they are not strong enough to train to become Warriors.

Uncle Andrew also came with his wife and son. Same with Uncle Tony, Uncle Andrew's wife is also not a Warrior and her 6 year old child is the same as Uncle Tony's youngest child.

Meanwhile, Uncle Matt came with his wife and daughter. Uncle Matt's wife is a Warrior, unlike uncle Tony and Andrew, whose daughter is also a 10 year old girl. His son is the oldest compared to the other uncle's friend's children.

And only uncle Jason is not married, and I heard from Uncle Jason's friends. He doesn't want to get married all his life and wants to live alone.

Previously, I had met uncle's friends several times while visiting their house to eat together. So that the current atmosphere is not awkward and full of jokes and laughter.

Feeling this lively atmosphere and feeling like I have a home, I am also very grateful to have met Uncle Jason who has changed my life from being just a poor homeless man alone to becoming a Warrior who has friends who feel like family.

Unknowingly I shed tears while eating with them. Knock! "Don't shed your tears at the dinner table, son, we are all happy here" Uncle Jason tapped my shoulder with his left hand and spoke to me.

I immediately wiped my tears and said "These are not tears of sadness uncle, I just feel very lucky to be able to meet you, uncle. Thank you so much uncle Jason you have given me home again" I thanked uncle and hugged him.

Unknowingly when I was hugging my uncle, uncle's friends and family looked at me. Realizing the silence in this room, I let go of my embrace of my uncle and looked around me.

Seeing them all looking at me, I was embarrassed and my face turned red. Seeing my blushing face they all laughed "HAHAHA!" I was even more embarrassed and immediately finished my food and went to wash the dishes.

While I was washing the dishes, the wives of his friends, Uncle also helped me wash the dishes and asked me to get ready for today's Warrior academy selection test. Hearing this, I obeyed them and immediately got ready.

After I finished getting ready, uncle Jason and his friends and family walked together to go to the location where the selection to enter the warrior academy was held.

On our way there, we saw lots of people with their families heading in the same direction as us. I guess one of their family members will follow the selection to enter the academy as well as me.

After we walked together while chatting on the way, we didn't realize that we had arrived at the location of the selection to enter the Warrior academy, namely the Tower of Strength.