Chapter 38 Envoy From Balaraja Akademi

By this time I was in the Tower Of Strength area with my uncle, his friends, and their families. The situation here is very crowded and filled with people of all ages, I think more people want to just see this selection.

But most of them don't want to take part in the selection, because more people are older than me than I am. We are all here waiting for the delegates from the academy to come to start the selection process to enter the academy.

While we were waiting for the messenger from the academy to arrive, uncle's eyes suddenly fell on the group of people who had just arrived. The group consisted of 5 people, namely 3 middle-aged men around the same age as my uncle, 2 women, one the same age as the wife of my uncle's friends, and one the same age as me.

The man in the middle has green hair and eyes wearing a green shirt and a sword hanging from his left waist. On his right were two boys his age one with brown hair and eyes the other with blue hair and eyes, the color of the clothes they wore matched their hair and eyes.

While the two women on the left side have the same hair and eye color as the men, which are green. The clothes they wore were also similar to those that the man was wearing. Both women I would say are the most beautiful women I have ever met, and their faces are quite similar. So I can confirm they are mother and child.

Then I saw my uncle with a surprised expression, and asked him "Uncle, do you know them? Why are you so surprised?" I asked him.

"Hehe, you won't believe this kid, the man in the middle with long green hair and handsome is unmistakably a Level 2 Warrior in this village," uncle told me that among the five of them, there is a man whose identity is a Level 2 Warrior in this village.

"What? That man was the Level 2 Warrior who saved the village 3 years ago." I couldn't even hide my admiration, because the Level 2 Warriors in this village were legends.

"Yeah, and as for the other 2 men who were the ones who managed to hunt down the child of the Earth Bull Beast 3 years ago, I think those two are Level 1 Uncommon Warriors, while the 2 women I think are the wife and daughter of that Level 2 Warrior." uncle also began to analyze the group consisting of 5 people.

But without realizing it, the Level 2 Warrior looked at me "This kid? How is it possible that in this village there is someone this strong at such a young age, I think he is almost a Level 1 Uncommon Warrior category." After that, he looked at the girl next to him. 'Hah... even this daughter of mine who has talent beyond me isn't as strong as the current him' after that he shook his head.

Seeing the expression on her father's face, the daughter asked him "What's wrong dad? You look surprised like that?" hearing his daughter's question the man replied "Nanda, I warn you to be careful not to underestimate other people too much because even if you manage to become a Warrior at this young age it doesn't make you the strongest among other people, because in the academy there will be some people who have greater talent and is stronger than you"

Hearing her father's words, the girl nodded her head. "Okay dad, I understand" seeing his son's response he smiled. "But did you know, before you entered the academy you met someone stronger than you but the same age as you in this village?"

"Hmm? There are people my age who are stronger than me in this village. Are you serious daddy?" asked the girl with a face of disbelief. "Yeah, he's much stronger than you, I think it won't be long before he reaches the Uncommon category," The man said holding his chin and smiling.

"Then? Where's that guy dad? I want to meet him, I want to know who is stronger than me in this village?" the daughter began to look for the person her father was talking about. Seeing that his son was looking for that person, he smiled and told him "Don't rush it, you will find out later when the selection has started"

Hearing his father say that, he obeyed to wait until the selection started. "Okay" while showing his expression of curiosity.

After about half an hour of us waiting, finally someone came near the Tower Of Strength. That person had blue hair and eyes, was wearing white clothes all over his body, and had an insignia that read Balaraja Akademi. Our eyes all turned to that person, then he walked towards the front of the Tower Of Strength and faced us all.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Tom and I am a messenger from Balaraja academy to select you children under the age of 15 and have a minimum strength of 100 kg in Adiyasa village today." then he drew his sword from its scabbard and drew a straight line in front of us.

"Those of you who are under 15 years old and have a strength of 100 kg can advance over this line." Hearing this, people who were under 15 years of age advanced over the line he made, including myself.

After the people have finished crossing the line. He started to look at everyone one by one through his eyes which seemed to be enveloped in the aura when he looked at the man whose uncle assumed was a Level 2 Warrior and nodded his head at him.

Then the man replied by nodding his head as well. Then he started looking at the people who had crossed the line, then he looked at the girl who was previously near the Level 2 Warrior and spoke to her "You girl in green, come here" then the girl moved closer towards the person.

After the girl approached the person, she started looking at the people who had crossed the line she drew back until finally, her eyes fell on me with an expression of disbelief, then she smiled and said to me "You, the kid in the brown shirt with a thin face, come here"