Chapter 39 Enter The Path Of Genius Without Test

Hearing him call me, I came closer to him. After I got close to him along with the girl who was called first by him.

He continued to look at the people crossing the line again, after a while, he shook his head and started to speak "All right, those of you who are under 15 years old and have a strength of over 100 kg can line up in front of the Tower Of Strength and start measuring your strength." after the messenger from the academy spoke we all started towards the Tower Of Strength to measure our strength.

"Hey kid, where are you going?" the academy messenger asked me when he saw me heading towards the Tower Of Strength. "I want to test my strength at the Tower Of Strength uncle, don't I have to test my strength there to get into the academy?" I answered with a question on my face.

Seeing my response the messenger from the academy laughed "Hahaha, you don't need to take the strength test any more kid, you have passed the academy selection and will enter the genius path together with this girl" That person laughed while explaining to me that I had passed selection and appoint the daughter.

I scratched my head "Is that true uncle? I don't need to take part in the selection anymore?" I asked him too. "Yes, you two don't need to take part in the selection like them anymore, so for now you two just stand here near me until their selection process is finished" hearing that I was very happy and I looked at Uncle Jason and the others.

They looked at me, then smiled at me and gave me their thumbs up. Seeing that I smiled at them and gave my thumb too.

The girl next to me also smiled at her parents. They returned the child's smile, and then the Level 2 Warrior looked at me "I knew he was a stronger Warrior than my daughter."

Tom the messenger from the academy then looked at the both of us. "Oh yeah, what's your name?" he also asked our names. "My name is Nanda, Uncle Tom," the girl who came with Warrior Level 2 said her name. "My name is Bobby, Uncle Tom" after that I told him my name, Uncle Tom.

"Okay Nanda and Bobby, now you have the opportunity to enter the academy through the Genius path. When the two of you enter the academy via the Genius pathway, you will not be charged any entry or monthly fees within the academy. So that you can study at the academy for free" then Uncle Tom started explaining to the two of us about entering the academy through the Genius route.

Turns out it was true what uncle said about getting into the academy through the Genius route cost me nothing. While I was listening to Uncle Tom's explanation about the Academy, I didn't realize that there was a pair of eyes looking at me curiously.

'So this is the person my father meant to be stronger than me? From his posture, this person doesn't look very strong and instead looks very weak. Didn't my father and Uncle Tom misjudge?' Nanda thought to himself about what his father had told him about someone who was stronger than himself but still the same age as him.

After Uncle Tom finished explaining to me about getting into the Academy via the genius path. I tried to talk to the girl named Nanda. "Hi Nanda, my name is Bobby, nice to meet you" I tried to talk to her and reached out my hand.

Seeing that I reached out my hand towards him, she responded by saying "Hello Bobby, my name is Nanda, nice to meet you" then for some reason suddenly her grip became hard when she held my hand.

"Hey, are you okay? Your hands seem to be hardening?" I also asked if she was okay. "It's okay, I'm fine" then she immediately let go of my hand.

'Hmm, maybe she's nervous' I thought, maybe she's nervous and immediately forgets about it.

'Looks like what father said was right, this person is really strong. I can't even make him move a bit, maybe his strength is about 2 times mine' Nanda thought to himself about Bobby's strength.

After waiting for quite a long time, finally, the people who underwent the strength test at the Tower Of Strength were finished. Out of about 20 people who took the test, only 6 people managed to have strength above 100 kg.

"Okay, since the six of you already have strength above 100 kg, then you have the qualifications to enter Balaraja Academy. But before that, the six of you must pay 36,000 Dollars at this time for entrance and monthly fees at the Academy, before moving on to the next selection place" Uncle Tom also spoke to the 6 people who successfully passed the strength test.

One of the six children asked uncle Tom "Then what about the two of them? Do they also pay like us?" Uncle Tom then looked at the two of us and explained to the boy who asked. "They both? Of course, the two of them don't need to pay because they have successfully entered through the Genius pathway, so they don't need to pay the Academy's entrance and monthly fees."

"They both made it into the academy via the Genius path?" hearing this the six of them looked at each other in disbelief. "Isn't it necessary to have a strength of 250 kg to enter through the Genius path and that is equivalent to the strength of a Level 1 Warrior?" the child continued to ask about us.

"Yes, you are right, to enter through the Genius path you are required to have the strength of 250 kg equivalent to a level 1 Warrior" Tom's uncle agreed to his question. "Then how could they enter through the Genius pathway, when they didn't take the strength test like us?" the child still questioned why we both entered the genius path without taking the test.

"Yeah, that's because the two of them already have that much power and they're both Level 1 Warriors, so they don't need to do the test anymore" Uncle Tom answered casually. "How can you know that without testing their strength?" the boy still asked.

"That's because I have a Skill that can measure one's strength, if you have entered the academy you will learn this Skill, so there's no need to be confused at this point" Uncle Tom answered casually.

"But I don't accept it, maybe there is an error in your judgment uncle" the boy started to be annoyed. "Hah... well what do you want kid?" Uncle Tom began to be lazy to serve him.

"I want to challenge him to a fight!" said the boy while pointing at me.