Chapter 40 My Punch Skill Is Aura Control?

"You want to challenge him to fight you?" uncle Tom confirmed what the boy said. "Yes, I want to challenge him to a fight, if I win then I will enter through the path of genius in his stead, how about that?" that kid challenged me to fight to get into the academy through the Genius path in my place apparently.

"Hahaha, you really make me laugh kid. Hahaha, fine if you want to challenge him to fight but I'm warning you, if you get injured and can't take part in the next selection, don't blame me" Uncle Tom laughed when he heard that boy wanted to challenge me to a fight.

"Okay Bobby, you go ahead, he wants to challenge you to a fight. But don't overdo it and don't use your aura, if he dies, we can get into trouble" Uncle Tom spoke to me and asked me to face that boy in a fight. "Okay uncle Tom, I'll be careful" I agreed because this is not a big problem for me.

"Heh, you think you got into the academy via the Genius path just by mistake. Huh?" The boy was trying to get my attention. "I'm just following what Uncle Tom said, I also don't know how he can judge that my current strength is as strong as Warrior Level 1 just by looking" I was in front of the boy and answered his question.

"Heh, I know there must be an error in his judgment. How could a skinny kid like you be a warrior." The boy spoke and readied his stance. Seeing him getting ready to attack me, I took a stance as well.

"Okay, are you two ready?" uncle Tom asked us both. We both nodded our heads.

"Start!" after uncle gave the signal to start, the boy immediately approached me by running towards me then he threw his fist using his right hand towards me. For some reason, his fist seemed to move very slowly and very weak, so I could catch his fist easily.

"What?" the boy was surprised because I could stop his fist easily. Of course, since its strength is only around 100 kg, it's equivalent to 10 Str from my status. While my Vit is 39 it will make the attack have no effect on me.

The boy still hadn't realized the difference in power between us and tried to attack me again with his left hand. I also caught back his left hand, with my left hand.

I didn't dare to attack him for fear that I would seriously injure him or worse, cause his death. So I just pushed it with both hands.


Even though I only used a little of my strength when pushing him, he was sent flying 5 meters. 'It seems I'm too strong compared to my age in the village now' I also spoke in my heart when I saw the difference in strength between me and others in my age.

Seeing that the child was blown away quite far, I was a little worried because if the child died I would be in trouble. I immediately approached the place where the child was thrown, "Hey, are you okay?" I asked about her current situation.

That person was still lying on the ground in pain from my throwing, so he couldn't hear what I was saying. Not long after, a middle-aged man approached the boy. Judging from his face I think he is this child's parent because their faces are quite similar.

"Hey! What did you do to my son?" the middle-aged man asked me. "We were just playing and then he was thrown by me, don't worry uncle I didn't throw him with all my might" I explained why the boy could be in that state.

"What are you saying? Then why are you fighting and throwing it, what's the matter with my son?" the man asked me. Then I looked at Uncle Tom to ask him to explain this person.

I suddenly felt an aura coming out from behind me, when I looked back the man had covered his body with aura and was charging towards me with his right hand. Seeing this I also activated my Aura and countered his attacks with my punches as well as 'Punch' of course I used my skills.

Bam! Crack!

"Ahhh..." the man screamed in pain and held his right hand which was colliding with mine. It seemed that the man's hand was crushed by my punch 'he doesn't seem like a strong warrior, just my punch can crush his hand' I also looked at my hand to check whether there was a wound or not, because my HP was not reduced and I received no injuries. I went back to Uncle Tom's place.

"All right, now you guys still don't believe in this kid's strength?" Uncle Tom spoke to the other five children and they all shook their heads. "Good, now you ask your parents to pay the money I asked earlier, remember 36,000 Dollars, no more and no less" Uncle Tom spoke to the five of them and smiled at me.

"Good kid, you really did not disappoint me. Not only is your strength strong, but your use of aura is also very good" Uncle Tom spoke to me while praising me. "Really uncle? My Aura usage is good?" I also asked uncle Tom why he said the use of my Aura was very good.

"Yes, when you activate your Aura you can do it in an instant and when you hit that person you manage to focus your Aura on your punch so your punch becomes stronger," Uncle Tom said why my use of Aura is so good is because I can use Aura very fast and can control well when attacking.

'It seems that with this system I can use Aura more easily than other people, and my Punch Skill is considered as Aura control not a Skill by Uncle Tom, I guess I have to study a lot at the academy to know this power of mine' After hearing Uncle Tom's words about my Skill Punch which turns out to be considered Aura control, I can't wait to see what the real Skill is like.

"Hey, how long have you been a Warrior?" while I was thinking about Uncle Tom's words, Nanda the girl who entered through the Genius path just like me spoke to me. "About 1 month more I think" I also answered the question honestly.

"WHAT? You became a Warrior about 1 month ago and you can already control your aura this well?" Nanda also spoke to me in a tone of disbelief. "Huh? You only became a Warrior about 1 month ago kid?" Uncle Tom didn't believe me either.