Chapter 41 Alumnus Of The Academy At Adiyasa Village

Seeing the shocked response of the two of them when they heard that I had just become a Warrior about 1 month ago, I was confused and scratched my head. "Is that a strange thing?" I also asked them.

"Strange? Of course, it's very strange, how could someone control Aura that well in just one month and almost become an Uncommon Warrior in this village that is so lacking in resources" Uncle Tom was shocked by my words and looked at me with disbelief.

"But it's true, I just became a Warrior and could use Aura about 1 month ago" I tried to let them know that I wasn't lying. "You know how long I've been a Warrior? 2 months! I've been a Warrior for 2 months but I haven't been able to bring out Aura as fast as you and concentrate it on one particular part until now" Nanda also told me that he had been a Warrior longer than me but, he couldn't control his Aura as well as I could.

"All right, all right, Freak looks like he meets a lot at the academy later. So you have to prepare yourself Nanda because the academy is a gathering of Geniuses who will become strong Warriors and there is no shortage of Freaks like him" Uncle Tom also tried to calm Nanda who felt like she was burdened because of me.

"Okay uncle" then he nodded his head. "By the way, I want to meet your parents Bobby, I want to see what kind of person can make you this strong" Uncle Tom also wanted to meet my parents.

"Both of my parents no longer have uncles, they died when a Level 2 Beast attacked this village 3 years ago. I currently live with Uncle Jason in his shop and he also helped me to become a Warrior" I explained to Uncle Tom that my parents had died and I was living with Uncle Jason now.

"Sorry to hear that kid, okay then let's meet your uncle Jason" Uncle Tom apologized when he heard of the death of my parents and asked me to meet him with Uncle Jason.

"Okay uncle, let's meet him" I also agreed to Uncle Tom's wish to meet Uncle Jason. After that, me and uncle Tom walked to meet uncle, Jason.

After arriving at Uncle Jason's place, I introduced the two of them to each other. "Uncle Jason, this is Uncle Tom from the Academy. And this uncle Tom is uncle Jason who has helped me become a Warrior like this"

"Hello Tom, my name is Jason. Nice to meet you and sorry I use my left hand" Uncle Jason extended his left hand because he had lost his right hand.

"Hello Jason, my name is Tom. Nice to meet you, that's fine. Just relax" Uncle Tom shook Uncle Jason's hand and smiled. "You are a great person who can make a child like him become a very strong Warrior for his age" Uncle Tom spoke to Uncle Jason and looked at me.

"Ah, that kid was already very talented when I met him. All I did was help him a little" Uncle Jason smiled and looked at me.

"Hahaha, no matter how great a person's talent is, if someone doesn't help him develop properly, he won't be able to develop his talent," Uncle Tom talked to Uncle Jason. Seeing that, I also talked to Uncle's friends and family.

After the two of them finished talking, Uncle Tom called me to go to Nanda's parents to talk to them. When I got there I was with Uncle Tom, I and Uncle Tom introduced me to Nanda's parents. There I found out that the Level 2 Warrior's name was Richard and he was Nanda's father.

It turns out that Richard is an alumnus of Balaraja Academy. But he only made it through the ordinary path not entering through the Genius path. Hearing that I became even more motivated, if someone who manages to enter through the mediocre path can become a Level 2 Warrior, how about those who enter through the Genius path?

I was lost in my thoughts without realizing that someone else was looking at me. Realizing I was being watched by someone else, I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment.

"Hahaha, looks like you're thinking about how you will be in the future, kid?" Seeing my response Uncle Richard laughed. "Okay, when you enter the academy, please take care of my daughter, Bobby," Uncle Richard spoke to me about taking care of his daughter while at the academy.

"Okay uncle, I will help you to look after him" I also spoke while clenching my right hand and placing it on my chest. "Hahaha, okay then, you also have a good relationship with Bobby, Nanda" then he looked at his daughter.

"Dad!" Nanda blushed and her face flushed red because of her father's words. "Hahaha, then let's go back to the place where we were before to see how many of them can bring the money to enter the academy." Then I, Nanda, and Uncle Tom returned to where we were standing earlier to meet the other children.

After we returned to the place, we saw that only 2 people managed to collect the 36,000 Dollars and the rest resigned to enter the academy. It seemed that this had become commonplace for Uncle Tom because, from the look on his face, there was no disappointment.

"All right then, the four of you will follow me to the academy. We'll be leaving this afternoon, so you guys hurry back to your homes to prepare the things you'll bring and say goodbye to your families since it will take a long time to see them back after entering the academy. When you're done packing, come back here" Uncle Tom asked us to pack our things and said goodbye to our families before heading to the academy.

The four of us nodded our heads and headed to our respective relatives' places. I headed to where my uncle was and after that, we returned to uncle's shop.

"Hehehe, to think that someone I know would enter the academy through the Genius Path. This is news that we should celebrate" uncle Matt said with a happy face. "Yeah, we should have a party first before Bobby went to the academy. It's a shame Bobby has to go right now" Tony's uncle regretted a little because he couldn't make my departure party.

"Stop it. The most important thing is that Bobby made it into the academy, we can have a party when Bobby returns from the academy later" Uncle Jason said he would throw a party when I returned from the academy.

I, who saw the happiness on their faces, spoke "Don't worry, uncles, when I return from the academy, I will bring Beast meat that doesn't exist around this village for a party, hehe"