Chapter 44 Walking Together

I'm currently running towards the building uncle told me at the time, luckily the Beast around here is mostly active during the day. So I didn't meet the Beast that was roaming until now.

Not long after I ran, I heard the sound of a fight in front of me, hearing that I headed there to see who and what was fighting, out of curiosity. After I got there, I saw a Rabbit Beast fighting a green-haired girl wearing green armor and a sword.

I was getting closer to the place and my guess was right. The woman is Nanda who is fighting with the Rabbit Beast. Nanda at this time could only defend and avoid the Rabbit Beast's attacks and he seemed to be having a hard time dealing with the Rabbit Beast.

"Hey Nanda, do you need help?" I asked him who was fighting the Rabbit Beast since he seemed to be having a hard time.

Nanda looked at me when I called her. "Yes, please help me, Bobby, I can't beat this beast alone" Nanda also wants me to help because he can't beat this beast alone.

"Okay" hearing him want to accept my help, I immediately took out my sword and ran towards the Beast using Skill Rush. The beast noticed that I was heading towards it and it started to jump and attack me.

Realizing the Rabbit Beast was heading towards me, I immediately activated my Aura, and when I activated my Aura. For some reason, the Rabbit Beast's movement started to slow down in my sight and I could tell where it was going to attack me.

Because I can already see the direction of its attack, I can easily avoid its attack without the need to use Avoid Step, just by moving my body to dodge. Because my Agi stat is much higher than its, my movement and reflexes are also faster, and the Rabbit Beast's famous attack speed can be seen in the slow version.

This incident was the same as when I fought with one of the children in the village who challenged me to fight that time, so I can conclude that it was because of the large difference in speed between us that I could see their movements slowing down.

After I dodged to the left and prevented the Rabbit Beast's attack from hitting me, I immediately attacked the Rabbit Beast that was beside me by swinging my sword at its body using the Skill 'Slash'.


The Rabbit Beast was instantly split into two pieces, when I slashed the Rabbit Beast this time it felt like it was slicing Wind. It's very soft and feels like it's not cutting anything, it seems that the sword that uncle gave me this time is really better than my previous sword. Slashing the Rabbit Beast became very easy, even though I had never cut a Rabbit Beast with another sword before.


The notification that I had killed the Beast appeared, and after that, I immediately took the Beast Core that was in the Rabbit Beast. Then Nanda approached me with an expression of disbelief. "You killed that Rabbit Beast with one slash? No no, you were able to dodge the Rabbit Beast's attack without using a Skill?" Nanda looked at me as if she saw something strange.

"Yeah, somehow I feel like I can see the Rabbit Beast's movements slowing down, so I can avoid its attacks without using a Skill," I told him what I felt when fighting the Rabbit Beast.

"You can already see that his movements have slowed down even now?" Nanda was even more surprised when she heard that I can see the Rabbit Beast's movements were slowing down. 'It seems that what father said is true, this person will soon reach the Uncommon category because to be able to see the movement of something slowing down, you must have twice the speed of your opponent.' Nanda also looked at me with an increasingly strange look.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked if she was okay because she gave me a strange look. "Hmm, yes I'm fine" then she seemed to come to her senses and returned to her usual attitude.

"Very well then, how shall we divide these beast cores?" I asked her about how these Beast Cores were distributed. "That is yours since you were the one who defeated the Beast. I didn't do anything" Nanda also gave this Beast Core to me.

"Are you serious? But you were the first to find this Rabbit Beast and fight with it" I asked her if she was really serious. "Yes, I didn't find the Beast, but it attacked me because it seemed I woke it up from its sleep, and I was just trying to run away from it not to fight it, so you just helped me I'm already grateful" Nanda also explained to me that she had not previously tried to hunt That Rabbit Beast and it was only by chance that she was attacked by it.

"Okay then, I'll take this Beast Core" I put the Beast Core into my bag. "How about we walk towards the building together? Since only two people can enter, I guess it doesn't matter if we work together, right?" I asked her to go together towards the building.

"Okay, let's go together" Nanda also agreed to my suggestion for the two of us to go together. "Okay, Let's Go" she nodded her head, and then I started running with her toward the building.

We both started running together and I noticed that Nanda had a slower pace than me and she looked quite tired by now. Realizing this I stopped and asked her to rest first.

"Nanda, are you okay?" I also asked about her condition. "Yeah, I'm just tired after running and fighting with the Rabbit Beast before," Nanda replied that she was tired from the fight earlier.

"Okay, let's take a short break here before continuing our journey to that place" she nodded her head and the two of us began to rest in this forest. By now I think the two of us had already run 15 km, but neither of us could see the city gate from here.

After about 15 minutes we rested and Nanda seemed to have recovered some of her strength, the two of us continued our journey towards the city gates where Uncle Tom was. After running for 5 km from where we rested, we finally came out of the forest and were in green fields like those around our village.

Seeing the two of us out of the forest made us both breathe a sigh of relief. And we started to continue our journey, just like any other green land in this place we both didn't see any beasts roaming around so our journey was very smooth.

After we ran 20 km from the forest, we also saw the city gate that uncle mentioned. And there we saw uncle Tom who was waiting for us in front of the city gate.