Chapter 50 Your Uniform Is Not Ready yet

"Hah hah hah, finally caught up with you" the man who had blocked me from entering the cafeteria caught up with me while out of breath. "Hah..." I saw him follow me and sighed.

"You know these people Bill?" the slightly red-haired girl asked the man who had blocked me. "Of course, I don't know them, Ross, how could I know someone in shabby clothes like this, I chased him because he wanted to run away from me" the man spoke to the woman earlier, and pointed at me. They seem to know each other, no wonder their behavior is similar.

"Good, then let's teach them a lesson for daring to infiltrate this dorm" the woman also invited the man to attack me and Nanda it seemed. "Okay Ross, let's teach them a lesson" the man clenched his fists and ran towards me and Nanda.

Then the woman also started running towards us. The two of them didn't seem to be warriors yet because when two of them attacked me, they didn't use aura and only used their physical strength.

I saw them trying to attack me and Nanda, I took a position to fight. The two of them ran and tried to attack us both from opposite directions, the male attacked me from below and the female attacked me from the top of the stairs with fists using their right hands.

After the two of them started closing in on me and launching attacks, I caught both of their right hands easily because right now my Str and Agi Stats were already high, so an attack from someone who couldn't use their Aura was easy.

"What?" The two of them were surprised when I could easily catch both of their punches at once. After catching the hands of the two of them I threw them both down the stairs using the hands that I was currently holding.

Swosh... Brak!

"AH .." They both screamed in pain because they were thrown by me. The people who were watching us were also very surprised to see that I could throw two people at once so easily. The people started backing away from me.

When I saw the two of them lying in pain under the stairs, I didn't care about them anymore and asked Nanda to leave here and meet sister Liz to ask about our uniforms.

"You didn't need to help me earlier, I can beat that woman easily" Nanda looked a little angry when I immediately fought both of them at once and didn't give her a chance to fight.

"Hehe, sorry Nanda, earlier I thought you didn't want to fight people like them so I immediately fought them both at once" I scratched my head because I picked up her opponent. "Okay, you have to remember that I'm also a warrior you know" then she walked in front of me with a sullen face.

Seeing her like that, I couldn't help but scratch my head, and the two of us went together to the reception area to meet sister Liz. When we got there, we both saw that it was not sister Liz who was on guard anymore, but someone else.

We both looked at each other and decided to ask him anyway. "Hello Aunty, my name is Bobby and this is Nanda we are both from rooms 504 and 513. We would like to ask how we got our uniforms, Aunty?" I also asked him by mentioning my room number and Nanda.

"Oh, you two are students from the Genius class who just arrived last night huh?" the receptionist seemed to already know about the two of us.

"Yes, that's right Aunty, we are both students from the Genius class who just arrived last night" I confirmed the receptionist's question while nodding my head.

"Okay, Bobby and Nanda, to get the academy uniforms, you two have to wait a few more days. Because the uniforms of ordinary students and genius students are different so it takes time to make and for the time being you are allowed to not wear your uniforms during the academy until you receive your uniforms." The receptionist also explained that our uniforms are being made right now because the uniforms for the Genius class are different from those accepted by ordinary students.

"If it's like that, fine Aunty, but we got into trouble when we didn't wear uniforms because some students thought we were intruders in this dormitory. So what should we do to solve the problem?" I asked him how we dealt with people harassing us when we weren't in our uniforms at the academy.

"Oh, of course, you just have to beat them up. If you manage to get into the Genius class, that means you're already a warrior, right? I think it will be easy for you to beat up those people." The receptionist also asked me to beat them up. "Ah... is that okay Aunty?" I confirmed his words and Nanda looked at the receptionist.

"Of course, it won't be a problem as long as you don't kill or wound them too badly." The receptionist smiled after answering our question. "Okay then Aunty, thank you for the advice and information" we both thanked her and then went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"You're welcome, I hope you enjoy living in this dorm" the receptionist smiled at the both of us.

It seems people have already heard when I managed to easily throw off the two people who attacked me earlier. So no one got in our way to the cafeteria and looked at me like a monster and when I looked back at them, they immediately avoided my gaze.

"It seems like it hasn't been a day since you've been here, you're already scared by other people, hahaha" Nanda also mocked me because people avoided looking at me. "Hehe, I think so, I'm too aggressive for them, Hahaha" I scratched the back of my head while laughing.

The two of us arrived at the cafeteria, it was still quite crowded at the moment and it seemed like there was a difference in this place between the food and the seats here. Because I saw that this place was divided into two parts, half of the dining area in the cafeteria was quite crowded and it seemed like they were regular class students, while the other half was quite quiet and there were only a few people and the students were wearing uniforms that were somewhat different from an ordinary student.

Seeing this, I also tried to ask someone who was near me why this place seemed to be divided into two halves, with many empty and crowded seats. But why don't those people fill in the empty spot?

The person I asked answered that the cafeteria is divided into two parts, the busy first part is the place for regular students to eat, while the quiet one is the place where Genius students eat. So that place would be quieter than where ordinary students were because the number of students was very different.

Hearing his explanation I thanked him and headed to the dining area for Genius students to be with Nanda. It seems that some people have realized that we are not ordinary students so nothing is stopping us from going to the cafeteria where the Genius students are eating.

When we arrived at the place to get food, the guard asked for our names. After we told our names, he checked something and gave us food.

After receiving our food, we both looked for an empty place to sit and eat our food. At the place where we ate, there was one person who didn't seem to get uniforms like us either, so I guess he was a new student at the academy who didn't get uniforms like us.